.... ...... ......... ............. She announced this like 3 weeks ago. *sigh*
Girls just wanna have fun fun, Fun fun fun Fun.
@ Duel This is random...Right? @Rafael Brooklyn wants to destroy everyone with the exception of Fred, Not specifically people over the Internet. He doesn't change when he uses a computer, If he wants to destroy mankind IRL, Then he will want to here, too. Nothing would change . . . He has his reason I'm sure. Also, Jaden wouldn't say that, And I didn't either. And I pretty much don't do anything here, So I would never really get anyone mad, So in no situation would he even be able to do that. I only ever get people mad when I refer to Jaden , And usually the "People" I anger are/is Jaden himself, And Rafael. I have more to say on this subject but I don't want to "Offend"anyone else. I enjoy how when I say something about someone everyone disagrees, But when Jaden does it everyone pretty much accepts it like it's nothing. Favoritism. One half of the time he doesn't have any information to back this up, Only prior experience. @Riku I told you . . . Poor Sharks. They never see it coming . . . Then they're Tornados suddenly. Also, If you see this before I catch you on DN, I'm ready to duel.
Why? He's wrong...[DOUBLEPOST=1348970012][/DOUBLEPOST] ...That's not really what I was referring to....But Okay.
Err...Pick where Obelisk lands? And approve my post? I'm terrible at first post ; ;
Obelisk BAM. BAM. BAM. "AARRGGG!" Obelisk roared through the desert. He ran through it punching Cacti, Punching Hills, Punching the ground , and punching air. Then he chugged another of his energy drinks and disintegrated the can with his fist. All the was left were the words "Made of 100% pure concentrated rage" . The floor started to shake and Obelisk growled. The sky started to swirl together forming a slightly darker mass of air. It began to get darker as it became more suction-like practically inhaling anything nearby, Not that there really was much left from his rampage. He started to get lifted off the ground, Feet first. Up-side down he frantically started to punch the hole yelling, Tearing holes that kept re-appearing before him. He drank his energy one last time before his head became emerged in darkness and everything was still. Absolutely still. OCC: Dat magic tree house reference
...But when Jaden does it,it's okay? What justify's him doing it ? Absolutely nothing. He critizes people all the time just because he doesn't agree with them. I can do that too.
lol This. Jaden you made this leave. Well, Indirectly...But you did. I mean....Look. Why jaden? Why?
Claw the Cyclops 13.
Everyone remember when CC13 censored Gay? Let's all remember that.
Actually...No. Whovians are just so obsessed they turned it into that. ****ing whovians. Time lord refers to Z-One being like 5 people. Anatomy,...
... ..... ......... ............ Well , It looks like the Arena is dead. RIP Arena, It may be gone but Fred is 5 evah. I'm trying to find my old color....I think this is it.
I didn't know Adam had an alt.
@Rafael Yay, I went from understanding 40% of Portuguese to 45%! And I made An Ice/Blizzard/Snow/SnowDust/Ice Counter Deck, Because I felt sorry for it.
He could have used reborn in the duel before, And use your fusion level 6 (Because I don't know what monster he means, I'm just saying the level of it.) for ataorte and something good deck...Bye. Atleast from my understanding, that's about what it means. Its Spanish I think, He just types like Spanish internet talk. Unless It's Portuguese in which case I know more than I thought.
Zeal laughs at most monsters. Because Gishki's are the monsters that you'll never get the best of, never forget the rest of~ They've had their fill, They've had enough, They've had it up to here~
16 games in a row, I lost to Brooklyn 16 games in a row. Of course, I was using a really bad deck, Not BW or Gishki's, But still. ...I feel find. Why is everyone all sad? Look happy you'll make it, Filled with so much hatred~ Pretty,Pretty Please, Don't you ever ever feeeelll Like you're less than, ****in' Perfect~
If you were going to move to France and join a gang, Then ultimately lead the the French Revolution, Leading to a War in Europe, then The Third World War, What would your motivation be? lol /HelpmewithmyEnglishhomework
No, It's a reference to the time period where A whole bunch of "Yuki" 's were joining. Only two stayed though... There's A Taylor Swift song for everything. "I wish I was strong enough to lift,Not one, But Both of Us. Someday, I will be strong enough,To lift,Not one , But Both of Us."
Anything that you can make money off of can be "pro". But IMO; Football is alot "easier" to learn than Soccer, The hardest thing is to memorize plays, and pretty much every Team sport has to do that. I learned most things about American Football in a day. Jaden,You made Brooklyn leave. ..... ............ ................ ....... .... ... . What is life? So in other news, I downloaded YGO pro in hopes that they'd have all the Gimmick Puppets . Do they, haya? And actually, Back when Droid was here we were gonna make a Trailer named "Invasion! Yuki attack" then "Strike back! Return of the Yuki" I should get with him to see if we can finish that.