"thank you...I probly wouldn't have been if you weren't there..."
"it's your own fault!"
*Anna looked worried*
"I have...never been able to even speak at thouse meating, but this time...I could yell..."
"I can't beleave..." Erin said almost to shocked to speack
*Anna stayed close to him*
*Erin noded*
*The creacher vanished with a grin and ZC and Erin apeard back in the hotel room*
*Anna ran with him*
"fine but when you fail you know what will happen...atleast Erin dose" one of the creatchers said "We wont fail! I know the risk but I also know we can do this!" Erin yelled
*Sora grind*
*ZC sudenly apeared(in spiret) with Erin in a sort of cort room* "You should just quit! you shall never pruve that world is good!" a creatcher yelled at Erin "no way! I still have some time!" Erin yelled
*Erin's ora turnd to darkness, and he colapsed*
"nox! please wake up" Anna sobed as she heald him
"I see..." Sora said "don't worrie...worrieing dosn't mach you well!" Roxas said
ooc: umm dialated...hmmm...how eyes are when you are dead and or drunk
*anna screamed and got him out of the ruble. she put a barior around them and began to heal him*
*Erin noded, but then his eyes went dialayted*
"yes it is!"
"it's fne" he said