*Erin helped ZC as they walked*
"Because...we both have stuff to live for"
*Erin helped him*
"ok but they'll be gone when we get there...I don't know where they are going do..." Ayla said *Erin noded*
"we will make it out! I promice!" Anna said
"so who is your little friend" Erin asked
tyvm! I'm glad I'm getting better!
ooc: Ayla bic: *Erin smiled*
*Tears streamed down his face*
*Anna kept flying till they were safe*
"I wish I could do more" Erin said *the walet hell $200, a pic of him his wife and his little daughter, and a car lisence. He was 25 year old Seth* "a hotel" Ayla replied
*Erin lissend*
*they both flew through the air quickly and they doged all the arows*
*Erin heald ZC* *one gard had a walet with him*
*Erin held the crystal up to ZC's side and began to heal him* "with ZC" Ayla said simply
"battel?" Erin asked then smiled at the boy
"you are not a monster!" Erin yelled "you are a hero!" *she smiled happely*
*Ayla flew up to them* "hi!" she said sweatly
ooc: he dosn't know bic: *Erin quickly began to heal her*
*Erin ran over to ZC* "are you ok? they didn't hurt you did they?" Erin asked