Chapter 2 Matthew woke up the next morning, but Christopher wasn't in the room. Matthew stood up, and walked out of the room looking for Christopher. He walked so lightly that he didn't make a single sound. He peaked into every room, but Christopher wasn't in any. Matthew got a little worried when he realized Christopher wasn't in the house, but he was used to being alone, so he sat in a corner, and waited for Christopher to come back. An hour, or so later Christopher came back, and was more than surprised to see Matthew siting alone in the corner. "Hey Matthew...did you get worried when I you woke up, and I was gone?" Christopher asked kneeling down to his eye level. Matthew nodded. "Well I'm sorry. I had to go get fire wood, but I promise I'll ether tell you, or leave you a note before I leave again" Christopher promised. Matthew nodded happily. "Well how about some breakfast buddy?" Christopher asked with a big grin. Matthew nodded. He was very hungry, because he hadn't had a descent meal for a very long time. Christopher led Matthew into the kitchen, and they ate breakfast, but then Matthew got the consuming feeling of being watched. He looked around wildly. "Matthew? What's wrong?!?!? MATTHEW!!!" Christopher yelled Matthew was consumed by panic, and soon blacked out. "Matthew!!!!!!!!!!" Christopher yelled shaking him gently. Christopher quickly picked Matthew up, and layed him in bed. (A few hours later) Matthew woke up, and saw a worried Christopher watching him. "Matthew! I was so worried about you! What happened?" Christopher asked. Matthew shrugged. "Well I sure hope it doesn't happen again! I think my heart stopped!" Christopher said with a sigh of relief. Matthew looked down sadly. His eyes filled with guilt. "Hey I didn't mean to make you feel bad! It's ok! It's not your fault" Christopher insisted. Matthew nodded, but didn't seem convinced. "Well I have to go chop some fire wood for the fire , so I may be gone for a wile. Maybe you should try taking a nap! You had a very ruth morning!" Christopher said then left the room. After hearing the front door shut Matthew layed down, and slowly fell asleap.
*Erin lissend*
*she shook her head no*
"ok" Erin said
*Anna watched in shock*
"wow!" Anna said sadly "" Erin asked
ooc: ??????????????
"so where are we going?" Erin asked
*Anna shot at the Orc. She was far from a beginer with the bow*
*Erin smiled*
*Anna got an Arow on her bow and aimed*
*Anna sat down* "yeah..." Erin said sadly
"I'm sorry you got hurt" Erin said
*Anna got pulled*
"about what?" Erin asked "yes?" Anna said walking out
*Ayla laughed*
"yeah" Erin said "and it's nice to meet you Tracy"
*Ayla led the way*
*Anna flew them away from there and as close to the twilight empire as she could*
"oh..." Erin said