ooc: Erin bic: "sompting wrong?" Erin asked
*Erin couldn't help but laughe*
cool! this made me a little hungrey do...lol good job!
*Erin grind* I just didn't expect to see you two" Erin explaind
*Erin smiled* "well you are a powerfull sorceror!"
"no!nothing" he said
"Thank you!" he said
*Erin stayed sighlent*
*Erin looked at him*
*Erin looked around*
"wow!" Anna said
ooc: I gota go to
"wow! I mean ...AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!" he sudenly screamed as the spell took afect
*Erin thought he senced sompting but ignorde it*
*Erin laughed*
"you can realy do that?" he asked
"well...that was...randum."
*Erin stared at him in shock* *Anna huged her*