"ummm...Anna's in the house"
*Anna folowed him* "what are we going to do?" she asked in a wisper
"Well if you didn't kiss every girl you met you wouldn't have to worrie about this would you?" Anna asked
"All over" Erin said
"well that's good!" Erin said
"RAX!! OMG!!!!!!!! I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!!!!!!" Erin said standing up
ooc: ok bic: *Erin sat under a tree*
ooc: recap please
ooc: I guess we kinda ended it on a cute note
cool! you are realy good at this!
*Erin stayed close to Anna*
"right" she said folowing ooc: Erin is there with Anna right?
"yup" Anna replied
*Erin laughed*
"they says that I will never be able to leave..."
"oh no I was talking about Zane and Alex"
"a few times...when I was little"
"I can't...they won't let me..." he said
"you to are nuts!" Erin said
"oh..." he said