take out your anger on me sir... i'm to blame...but i'm not gone yet... why....do you want to see me anyway?
i'm not emo.... i'm a loner... science and questions prove it... but i dislike myself for a reason miss... any orders?
i'm not supposed to miss... i have a promise to do, which disrupts me from being here... i'm sorry...
wow....you really missed me? or mabye you missed me serving you...? how....flattering...
well...i say it's a good question... but we know that almost everyone would reply with the same answr...it is never certain just how much we trust somone to help us...
did you get this from ff IX sir? anyways... in a natural way...we would only help each-other in order to save ourselves... it's our more animalistic behaviour in order to maintain out surviverbilety... but if you mean in a humane way... well...i guess... the reason only depends on how the person is in personality... think of it as this... anyone could say...i help everyone when they need it and will not back away.......but do they really? no... an example is bulliyng... normally... no one would dare to put a stop in an attack just in order to save himself... so the reason...is normally for a human when he's not in danger... i'm sorry for the long message...
what? i won?.... unbelievable... there were so many much better poems than mine... it's....unfair...i thought up mine in just a few seconds...mine isn't good!! i suck!! gaahh!!!! but....may i make a poem here too? i should'nt have won before.... a wizards life is never calm, full of hatred from his palm, his life will wither as a flower, as the plebians cower, his hands they call out fires red, all the trees it will shed, his pathway freezes by his feet, nature cries for their heat, the eyes of destruction, mighty thunder, rips our lands yet asunder, the land it trembles as we whisper, the mage he comes, no limp, no lisper, but what magic does he really posses? a weapon for tellus's mess? no, i disbelive he found his love, yet he seeks like bread for dove, will he find his true bueaty yet at all? ''never' they say, he's just a doll. a puppet created by sinfull master, a shadow, a pawn, a servant caster. i wonder why he created, was his purpose to be hated? i only know one thing.... magic cannot solve a thing, i love you... it will not ping, please...return to us... i still love you... lalala!! this one sucked... now i can't win ahahaha!!! thank you sir... and you to sir chev... but i don't deserve any credit...there were far better poems out there than mine...
why so sir? i have never seen you do anything bad or incorrect around here...
i am stable for the moment... you have gotten more serious...? is it a disease or are have you lost the banzaiiiiii you used to love?
i'm sorry sir... been a while since i last was here... how are you sir? and you emma?
...that's what makes me an idiot....right?
i'm back...i think...
heh...i already know i'm an idiot... in fact...i'm an ***hole!!
indeed...heh!! um...i have to go... miss lunatic? could you say hello to your sisters from me? and perhaps everyone else... i would be very grateful....
bleach... i hate alcohol... it's amasing how almost all animes or anime-like games hav rather femenim males...
... ...i am... but what should we speak of?
such a thing has not happened me... i belive however that when i was twelve... people offered me drinks...
sorry for troubling you miss...
i heard that a guy showed a picture of kuja to his father. his father resonded with '' who's the hot chick? and when the huy said that kuja's a man...i belive the father got a little pale...
sorry... but...why do we not speak in pm anymore... or...is it something i have done?