i dislike being in groups, hence the name lone-wolf...but if it's an order..then sure..... i have never been a real fan... ...hmm... can i be guest instead miss? who is the singer? that you miss?
but it's actually pretty funny when repeated...
....... ....... ....... ........ ...... i don't know what to say... *ZANMATO ON SELF*
i actually just meant the faith... or wait... how about the faith from FFX?
but that would only kill them... and i don't think sir Hol would approve of that...he is already in a pretty sad state trying to be together with somone...he needs all the support he can get... fayt x faith... i just tried...
my RL nicknames are lone-wolf illusion, and shade... correct...i don't know you... but i can learn...
seems like this thread has changed... khgirl x the boy she likes.... simple...
where are you miss? i came back... but...i lost you...
fayt x screaming red ninja with naruto comics shouting BANKAI!! oh i actually meant in general miss... not just from kh-vids...
no! the opposite! miss ctr is to good for me... fayt x ..... banzai?
well actually i meant miss ctr... but this is worse!! sir J.D x D.J
kingdomheartsgirl x any guy smart enough to pick her at least you stopped with the combonation between me and ____ yay... don't worry sir sho... i won't...
s...? bah...they're just pathetic... don't think about it and just live life a good way...then...no matter the grades you may still suceed with a rich and happy life i suppose...
i only hope that you know that Hol's a guy... but i'm happy you know him...
... catch phrase huh... mabye i should have one of my own...
no one hates you... and we never will!
obsessed x the one you already are with....i guess...
レッツ・シェイク x you choose... what do we have in common anyway? oh, sorry... roxas24sora x kairy12namine[/FONT]
i'm back? obsessed x anti sora pleas no more me and miss ctr...
but...what about miss? hail all bunnies of course... but...i am her servant...