oh... i can't decide.... when i was a young boy i used to love bambi... but i always felt so sad after watching it...
,,,indeed miss... umm....favorite disney movie?
i loved the hunts as an optional thing as it wasn't to hard and sometimes fun to fugure out where the marks are... bu... i nvere really liked the characters much... gligamesh was pretty fun though... and migello felt like a lind uncle or something... battle-system is a nice touvh but i think the game was a liiiitle to much of a dungeon runner... although far from my favorite FF it's not a bad game at all...
i hope this bunny works... http://images.google.se/imgres?imgu...95&prev=/images?q=dark+bunny&gbv=2&hl=sv&sa=G i don't know how to put pictures up here... sorry...
um...sorry sir... ... ... NI! that doesn't suit me...
an african or an european swallow sir? AAAHH!!!
sure.. but...i don't know if asking for rep is legal here.... but why not?
svenska kanske? jag hatar svenska... english is better..
good idea sir! but...i can't copy yours.... *crawls under a table* according to gaming rules no one can see me...
who's victory pose sir?
hmm...i don't remember... i just cleared expert without alerts so i don't know most voices...
enemy sighted!! hq! *this is hq* enemy spotted, we require reinforcements! *understood, sending reinforcements, use extra caution* something like that sir?
you'll make a great bunny miss!
serve and protect...
have you taken the quiz yet miss?
i agree with the tag i just made...heh!
oh... miss e_b's a ninja now... shall we celebrate?
please don't tell me there are insult wars here again.... but it's nice to see so many people here... my services will be busy today...
miss friendly_heartless!? so good to see you again miss!
are you away somehere sir...? or do you sleep day-time and wake up in nightime...