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  1. XIII-roxas
  2. XIII-roxas
  3. XIII-roxas
    hm. as usual, my threads FAIL. im blowing this thread up...
    Post by: XIII-roxas, Dec 11, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. XIII-roxas
  5. XIII-roxas
    this is just a little thread i made because i was bored. enjoy.

    Rules: None. just follow the forum rules and i dont care what you do here.

    i would start you off with a riddle, but i cant remember it. so i guess ill let the first coment start. (first coment wins a riddle of firstness.)
    Thread by: XIII-roxas, Nov 29, 2009, 38 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. XIII-roxas
    a dead guy is gonna pop out at shop, and starts doing the thriller dance, everyone starts dancing with it, some guy gets falcon PAWNCHED, a spartan comes in and says "THIS IS SPARTA!", kirby kill us all, while i fly on a big missile and jump and and kill kirby. i get an urge to bomb someone, but 1 guy isnt enough. so i bomb everyone with 1,000,000 nukes. i go home to play Jak3 and post this. somehow i heal us all and we all started posting again. good story, huh? so, have you seen axel anywhere...?

    second guess: world war 3 starts?
    Post by: XIII-roxas, Nov 29, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. XIII-roxas
    depending on which one, i probably found it sad.

    all of them made me sad anyways, if they wern't sad, its just because i didnt want it to end. so i start over. and over.and over and over and over. and over and you get the point. i end up maxing and getting 100%, and get bored.

    so thats what happens with me. but its probably the only game that could possibly make me cry.:why?:
    Post by: XIII-roxas, Nov 29, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. XIII-roxas

    hi guys.

    im roxas, or atleast thats what my friends call me. im rather personal, so i dont give out much information about myself. thats why i call myself roxas i guess.

    theres not much to know, or i want you to know, about me. so ill leave it at this.




    thats all. oh, and dont expect a very mature anwer from me when im not bothered to give one. ill just put something like that, for i dont think i have any common sence whatsoever. happy posting people i dont know.
    Thread by: XIII-roxas, Nov 29, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  9. XIII-roxas
    Profile Post


    Status Update by XIII-roxas, Nov 29, 2009
  10. XIII-roxas
    i remembered it as hard. but i was amatuer then. i never used block (infact, im still getting used to it, sephy helped with that ^^) and relied an power, wisdom form and donald to heal me. and my strategy never failed.but then anti came into the picture and im like "go away" and it wouldn't. i finaly decided to use magic. now im obsessed with THUNDER and that voice is stuck in my head. but yes, hes hard if you dont use reflect, gaurd or magic (heals, blizzard and thunder for range, ect.)
    Post by: XIII-roxas, Nov 26, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. XIII-roxas
    i would save roxas. axel helped sora at the end, and it made me SO MAD. demyx is fun, but he would save himself with water and all, so no use getting him. zexion tried to kill riku, and riku's pretty awsome, so altho i like zexy, i wouldnt save him. the rest are dead (*AHEM* ALL) and i dont liekt he rest. roxas is the only guy who never did anythign wrong exept being soras nobody. but thats terras fault for putting him there (i think, other wise it just wasn't roxys falt). so, its roxas.
    Post by: XIII-roxas, Nov 26, 2009 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  12. XIII-roxas
    world:console (world changes depending on what console your using)
    party:your console (once again, " ")
    boss:opposing company O_o...(in other words, nintendo->playstation, playstation->nintendo)

    costumes:conoles with hair, happy faces, legs, arms, voices and every other aspect in a person.

    key chain: a bannana with gun stuck one end, the chain being a penguin. i like to call it-banugaguin

    very horribly made world with alot of random hax abilities. your limit is dropping a nuke. somehow this all makes sence.
    Post by: XIII-roxas, Nov 26, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. XIII-roxas
    the alternate ending to that battle is funny. if you lose, he gives you a cookie. i seriously would've prefered the cookie. but, yes, it does sound kindove wrong when you think of it.
    Post by: XIII-roxas, Nov 26, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. XIII-roxas
    id have to say roxas. he loves sea salt ice cream, hes friends with axel, hes number 13, and alot of other pointless reasons. i would choose axel, but, my user being roxas just makes it a tie breaker i guess.
    Post by: XIII-roxas, Nov 26, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. XIII-roxas
    the only one i know of thats half way decent right now is prefect world. its ok, only a few hours to download.
    Post by: XIII-roxas, Nov 26, 2009 in forum: Gaming