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  1. XIII-roxas
    still no one? sheeesh...
    Status Update by XIII-roxas, Dec 31, 2009
  2. XIII-roxas
    now im sad...
    Post by: XIII-roxas, Dec 31, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. XIII-roxas
    now is the time to choose between our hero's of light. this will decide who is better, once and for all. choose wisely.

    if you choose roxas-
    -axel will continue to watch roxas sleep
    -you will go into a draw for a chance to look at some paper
    -the organization will send you a trained baby shadow
    -you get a chance to find a 50 dollar note on the ground
    -you will win a life time supply of sea-salt ice cream
    -and many more!

    if you choose sora-
    -axel will kill you
    -you will be sufficated BY paper
    -the organization will train a giant darkside s powerful it will start a nuclear war in your state
    -axel will steal your wallet
    -you will be shot with xigbars life time supply of blue death arrows
    -and many more deadly, horrible things.

    once again, choose wisely!
    Thread by: XIII-roxas, Dec 31, 2009, 64 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. XIII-roxas

    no one voted for roxas...? i mean, he's great and all but..not even ONE person wants to kill him? i wouldnt ofcourse, but i know people who HATE roxas. meh. this is great.
    Post by: XIII-roxas, Dec 31, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. XIII-roxas
    i would have to say axel. it was an awsome battle, the experience of playing as DW roxy was great, and the fact that your fighting axel makes it even better. axel owns. the reaction comand was cool and everything about it. my second choice would be the twilight thorn, because its your first boss, and the reaction commands are great.
    Post by: XIII-roxas, Dec 31, 2009 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  6. XIII-roxas
    I made this thread because i kindove wonder who's the most hated in the organization. i guess now im going to find out...

    personaly, i couldn't decide between vexy, lexy and xaldy. dont know why, i just dont like them...
    Thread by: XIII-roxas, Dec 31, 2009, 18 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. XIII-roxas
  8. XIII-roxas
    ...i need more friends..
    Status Update by XIII-roxas, Dec 31, 2009
  9. XIII-roxas
    yay! theres people who share my hatred of the whining B***H known as kairi...
    Post by: XIII-roxas, Dec 31, 2009 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  10. XIII-roxas
  11. XIII-roxas
  12. XIII-roxas
  13. XIII-roxas
  14. XIII-roxas
    dunno. melficent said she would get her revenge, so it could be about that.

    otherwise, a new enemy would rise, so powerful both light or dark, or even combined could defeat. you have a bit of problem there. if it was the case, they would probably give you some sort of power over nothing like xemnas had...wonder who would sacrafice themselves tho.

    oh well, i guess we'll find out if there actualy is a kh3.
    Post by: XIII-roxas, Dec 24, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. XIII-roxas
  16. XIII-roxas
  17. XIII-roxas
    i truly dont care who's playable. all of them would be nice.

    but, maybe you could just choose who you wanted to play as, each of them having there own storyline. kinda like BBS, exept you choose who you play as, not just switch around at certain points.

    but, as someone stated before, kairi would need training from riku or sora. same with namine, but from roxas...maybe axel if he faked his death again like the last 2-3 times:gunwtf::star-wars-smiley-02.

    unfortunetly, bbs and disney characters wouldn't work. bbs because well, i dont they would be there now. it was 10 years before sora knew what a keyblade was. disney because well...they were made as back up characters. so, im not exactly sure...ive seen CPU donald bash a neoshadow, but it took him a while(funny stuff tho:poke:)

    to the point, id rather play as roxy or riku. riku because he owned EVERYTHING for me in kh2 in the world that never was. mostly, but i still tried (he killed zexy and lexy too:bangbang:).

    roxy just because he owns everyone.sora only won because roxas was sleepy and he forgot sora could do that thing whith the keyblade with the shiny light(:eek:SHINY!:sparta:) thingy.

    ok, i think i made this post way to long. and added to many smileys in. oh well.:badimg:
    Post by: XIII-roxas, Dec 20, 2009 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  18. XIII-roxas
  19. XIII-roxas
  20. XIII-roxas
    in physical strength, its gonna be lexaeus ofcourse.

    but the strongest is xemy, because without riku sora would of died to a guy whos when name is rearanged spells M-A-N-S-E-X(teehee...) and that would be embarrasing.

    strong in the way of reflexes and being incredibly annoying whatever you do, larxene. thunder bolts and incredibly quick attacks while poping out of no where? VERY annoying...

    demyx is strong in fighting style. he uses ranged, while when his opponent is close he seals them in(sometimes in the boss battle). the water clones make him harder too, exspeacialy with a time limit.

    axel, although a weak boss, his hp leaching floor makes him harder, but still being a fun boss fight seeing you have no way of dieing (as in being easy, you can die if your inexperienced).

    marluxia has to be one of them. his doom spells with the curse and pits and such, makes him another strong member.

    xaldin was a pain. he's very strong when it comes to non-stop spammed attacks and riding on lances off a bridge (him being invinciable in the time being...) have only one recation comand which is basicly the only way you can deal decent damage to him *BREATHES IN DEEPLY*.

    xigbar is only strong in the quick attacks like larxy. he pops out of no where and shoots you like theres no tommorow. changing the battlefields shape is pretty annoying too.

    vexen i couldn't say much for, just because of the fact that he gets beaten half to death every day.

    luxord...well, not having a hp bar does annoy me. the time bar confuses me, me not knowing whether it has any different effects as a hp bar or not. playing his games being annoying at times, and if you dont you get attacked im pretty sure.

    saix is as easy to beat as a puppy (saix puppy. ^^) when hes not in berserk. at the point of berserk, theres only one thing to do: stay off the ground. not doing these boss fights for a while im not exactly sure if whacking him with claymores does anything during berserk. and seeing hes A: obsessed with a moon, thinking it will save him, and, B: only getting strength from the, you guessed right, moon.

    zexion isnt exactly strong. out of the book world he cant hurt you, so using hacks to play as a different character means he cant hurt you. when in the book world tho, without reaction commands you be dead pretty quick i assume.

    lastly, roxas. our 15 year old questioning jesse mcartny voiced 2 keyblade weilding organization 13's 13 blond. a very powerful boss, sending bazilions of lazers at you, turning into a light ball, and shooting even more lazers at you. a very powerful one indeed.

    out of the most powerful, it all comes down to xemy tho basicly. the leader making him the most powerful. but if sephy were in the orginization, you'd want to watch out mr.xemnas. if roxy got a bit of help from axel, just like sora got a bit of help from riku, they could surely take him down. that is all...:sparta:...?
    Post by: XIII-roxas, Dec 11, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX