because is say so.
with all due respect, hell no. im missing my virtual cookie, i just wander who took it... do you have who eats cookies? if so, can you ask them?...
long okays earn people lol faces. :lolface:
erm...mi ami? no, im asking where you hid my virtual cookie. ...le music? i dont listen to music because, 1: i dont have anything to listen to...
thats right. a FACE is my signature. a face out of REVENGE....on himself...
:lolface: no, but cheese go's ON crackers! then we can le eat them! :lolface: teh cookah?. where is teh cookah? OH...:lolface:!
yep. its even sig pic now.
yeah thats right. you got ZINGED somehow! nope. :lolface: <- that is my desktop image.... oh god..WHERE CHEESE! crackers? hmmm...on second...
i did that to...but i forgot what we were talking about when i got there. :lolface: :lolface: :lolface: :lolface: :lolface:
indeed you do see. ZING! the lol face one. its my desktop image now. yeah, its is crazy. but in a solar system far away its happening, yes thats...
either am i. but im involved, so it makes sence. (sorry, i accidnetaly pressed "post" a bit to early)
why not? it comes with a car. thats where the watermelon is. yeah... omg thats like the epic smiley EVER! yeah. were CHEESE. mice EAT cheese....
indeed you do see. thats right, you didnt think i gave up on that joke, did you now? oh, ok. you dont like cookies? about...umm...a...
guess? say, what happened to all your coments?
yes. EPIC fan. call me a roxas fanboy if you must... ofcourse, theres axel, riku, zexion and demyx too.
yep. still cant find that episode... i thought i said i was random one? i do things that have no purpose whatsoever. because i found out what it...
im fine. so i see your a fan of sora? le hmm..
nvm. im pretty sure i just saw you on someones friends list...
hey! i know you?
i dont know...but i herd caboose call someone private mcmuffin. (caboose is from RVB) if i was a ff character, i'd be cloud...he has roxas' hair...