wahahaha^^ so.. how's your school..?
hey, you're OL..^^ nice ^^
gee thanks girls ^^ and thanks for... leaving me..
and you're13 years old... right...?
COol, Epic, unique ^^ that's a real good drawing..^^ keep it up dude
Another UNIQUE drawings.. aah.. good keep it up Dude
KH -i hate the camera -and the gameplay KH2 -why it has to be SORA again...(roxas's cooler) -atlantica is the most boring world..
nah.., i've never dreamed sumthin' like that.. but.. nah..nvm
hmm.. you're Aurica's neighbor.. am i right..?
Awww... you two are Late.. but that's Okay..^^ i'm just having a conversation with lady shurelia.. hey, how's my sig?
what..!? dang it!.. then i have to buy it with INTERNET..
hoh.. i see.. thanks ^^
what..? really..? i think it's a good title..
whatthe! oh god.. i have to go to school! See ya! Shurelia!
really.. how kind of..you..
duh.., dammit.. i overdid it again.. well sorry for telling you that... hmm.. do you hate me..?
no..it isn't normal.. cuz..of me he's in hospital now.. for two month...
yeah.. i hope..