ahaha.. i dunno who's the final boss is... all i know is just the Main character...Ameena..?
oh.. okay.. what do you want to do,..?
Who's the main character..? Fayt..? or Claude..? or...you create it your self..?
guardian of the twilight Sounds Cool huh..^^
ahaaha.. i'm fine but..i'm pretty lonely..
yeah that's right... oh yeah.. what game are you creating..? KH..(fan made) ? final fantasy..? or something Cool..?
yo ^^ feeling fine..? or good..? nah..both are the same lol..
oh.. i haven't upload it yet..i dunno why but i can't upload it to youtube. sumthin's wrong with youtube...? or sumthin's wrong with my internet...
hey Yo..^^ guardian of the twilight ^^ howdy.. how are you..? feeling good..?
Oh i see..^^ okay.. i've gotta practice Voice acting again then..
hmm thanks Vexen ^^ i'll try to help.. but.... how..?
WOW.. you sound like the Real VEXEN now! cool! well.. i'm no good at creating games or sumthin'.. maybe i can use my Voice ^^~~~
it's sounds like a realm of twilight to me...>_>
You're going to create A GAME!!! that's awesome! i'll play the game after it's done Kay ^^ -i want to join but..., i know nothin' about creating game-
that's a good theory.. but..Terra and Ven Saw Riku and Sora playing (together).. wait a sec... HOW OLD IS VEN..!?
sup' dude..? yo how's you drawing..?
i see.. it's not that expensive huh..?
hey.., you okay..?
i've managed to analyze this drawing..! the coloring is good ^^
really..? thanks well i'm drawing a picture of Us.. you're the one with red blond hair , purple armor and Cute, right..? if the drawing is Done i'll scan it and post it just you wait..kay^^