about what..? o_o..? oh you mean voice acting.. well i'm going to show you my voice at Sunday^^ (if my internet connection is cool)
Yo Vexen ^^
tch..this is the debate between leard and eien... and then Eien said this to Leard Barsett "Sir.., can you let her Join..?" Leard Said.. "hmmm..? what are you saying..!? she's A girl ! a knight of elemia must be A man!" Eien said.. "I've Seen her Abilities for past few years.., and she has a material to be a knight!" Leard said.. "you..how dare you Defy Me!" Lakra Said.. "Eien please..Stop, you don't have to do this!" Eien Said.. "I don't Care!, Just Let Her join the Knights of Elemia!" Leard Said.. "Eien Ishida...For Now on..you Are Banished From Here!" *Eien and Lakra Shocked* Eien said.. "Fine...! i'm leaving.." Lakra said.. "Wait..! Eien!" Lakra chased Eien into the gate..
hey how are ya..?
nah.., just askin..' Lol
Well.. a friend of mine fall in love with my best friend.. he didn't want me to tell her that he love her.. one day.. my best friend ask me how...
COOL nice i can hear Zexion's Voice now
humph... all of my friends turns their backs on me... and it get's worser day by day... they make fun of me.., beat me up for no good..
hey big Brother..
EMO..huh..? well Emo's kinda Cool hair too.. but Xaldin's Hair's COOLER lol
Hey the Cloud Strife Play Art's Cool.. nice..Mike ^^
hmm..hmm.. i hate when Xaldin and Zexion dies... Damn they..!
DUDE! this Game is COOL...!
No.. still Sad..
hmm... for me.. i like... Naruto Shippuden, Bleach, Devil May Cry, saint Seiya,Fuma no Kojiro...
Yo.. so you changed your Name huh..? COOL
hmm..... Cool i like the drawings ^^ keep it up dude..^^
loxothel huh..? SOUNDS LIKE AN ICE GOD TO ME ^^ Man, this is really cool.. i mean super Cool
Lol..^^ you do it First ^^ i'll catch up with you girls ^^
Reflega... it helped me a lot..