whoa..Thanks Guys ^^ well problem solved.. you can Close this thread now..
hmm... fav..scene huh.. well.. Cloud vs Sepiroth..
okay i'll wait
Oh Thanks ^^
ohh... i just want to be a voice actor at Ekichi and learn how to create game
And Learn how to create game of course
ohh... i just want to be a voice actor at Ekichi
whoa-whoa-whoa.. pretty cool man.. i like the "Eternal Regret" and "Silent Dreamer" can i have the lyrics..? Cool.. thanks again pal'^^
Oh i see...
you're on Ekichi right..?
Yo... guys i need your help to find this manga... can we find on a website or sumthin'..? not on the real world..of course..(on the NET)
Man.. he didn't do much help.......and damage.... but.. yeah it's cool
Oh Hi.. are you Axel..?
hahA! this is getting better and better..^^ Mike! you did a great Job!
Holy Crap!!! this is So COOL! CHIBI!!! (Awww....Cute) ahahah^^ dang it..if my scanner doesn't broke....
memories...huh.. there's many memories that i have forgot... there's many sad memories... there's many happy memories.. memories about what i fear.... dude... it's hard to delete any memories...-_-
my happiest moment... when i saw Zexion at jimminy's journal.. ya know, the character links..
Both are... hard.. KH 1 sephy.. is real hard cuz there's no reaction button and The weak sora's useless... KH 2 sephy.. i need 4 of elixir to take on him...(it's hard to make elixir-_-)
Can you..Upload it into..File front..? or something that much easier to download...? i can't download it..somehow..-_-
Zexion.. he was humble.. cool.. unique.. good looking.. Emo hair.. he's perfect..