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  1. Meilin Lee
  2. Meilin Lee
  3. Meilin Lee
    As reported earlier, more canon scenes have been acted out by the series' voice actors at KINGDOM HEARTS Orchestra -World Tour- (like the Terra and Namine scene). Twitter user @momo_krys was able to translate scenes involving Kairi and Xion, and they can be read below:

    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Mar 12, 2017, 1 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  4. Meilin Lee
    how she had become friends with lea and they have nicknames

    Wow... didn't expect those two to become a duo so quick

    xion’s voice actor came to the stage when vector to the heavens was playing and thanked roxas and axel for everything

    I'm not gonna cry... I'm not gonna cry...
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Mar 10, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  5. Meilin Lee
    ~Tokyo's District 12 - Chinese Restaurant~


    As Star and Marco were having lunch at a local Chinese restaurant, the following happened:

    "Let me open the next one!" Star exuberantly said as she took out a fortune cookie from the box and opened it, reading, "'A great evil has been unleashed.' What?" "Eh, I wouldn't read too much into it," Marco replied, "I was just messing with you when I said those fortunes were magical." "Hehe, oh you kidder," Star said as she gave him a playful punch in the shoulder.

    Elsewhere in the restaurant, a certain lizard watched Star and Marco while hiding his face behind a menu...


    As he continued spying at the two, Toffee felt his phone vibrate, and answered it, "Hello... No sir, so sign of Fury, Chiba, or any of the others in District 12... I understand... Yes... Hail the Crystal Order." As Toffee hung up, he adjusted the J.I.A. logo pin on his suit before continuing to spying at Marco and Star.


    ~Gringey City, Japan~


    As Hiro and the others passed through Gringey City (a city between Celadon City and Fuchsia City that at one point was a bustling place, got overcrowded with factories and eventually abandoned), with May and Skye driving the SUVs they used to escape the J.I.A.'s eyes, Shining Armor asked Hiro, "You sure this is the place?" "Well, this is the address Dr. Pym gave me," Hiro replied, looking at the crumpled piece of paper that Dr. Pym wrote an address on. Meanwhile, in the SUV that May was driving, Fitz and Simmons looked out the window to see Gringey City, with Fitz commenting, "What an awful looking place." "Hard to believe that it once was a lively place," Jemma added. Noticing Skye parking outside a large abandoned factory, May commented, "We're here." As May parked her SUV next to the one Skye was driving, everyone got out of the two vehicles, and looked at the large factory in front of them. "Well well well, if it ain't the old Pym Tech factory," Fury commented as he recognized the place. "Wait, you know this place?" Skye questioned Nick. "Oh yeah," Fury replied, "After Dr. Pym left the J.I.A., he started his own company, Pym Tech. What you see here was the company's main factory. But I guess ever since the company was sold, the new management didn't feel the need for this place to stay open." "Wow... kinda depressing," Hiro commented, "Let's go in. Dr. Pym should be here soon." "Watch your step everyone," Baymax told the others as they entered the factory.


    ~Annapolis, Maryland, U.S.A. - Cid's Warehouse~


    "I'm back!" Cid said after returning from his bathroom break, "Did I miss anything?" "Nope," Nick replied, "In fact, halftime's almost over. Perfect timing." "That's good to hear," Cid said as he relaxed and watched as the game resumed. Approaching Cid, BB-8 electronically beeped, asking if Cid wanted anything else to drink. "Nah, I'm good, BB-8," Cid responded, "I think I've had 'nuff already."


    ~Prince Demande's Ship - Dining Area~


    After finishing his dessert, King Candy/Turbo said, "Well, I'm stuffed. Don't know 'bout you guys, but I think I'm gonna go take a very long nap in my cabin." "Good night," Demande responded as Candy/Turbo got up and left. And as Demande finished his dessert, he noticed the moon in the sky glowing red (while in a phase between half-moon and full moon) outside the window, telling the others, "Look at the moon. Amazing, isn't it?" "Wow, you're right, Demande," Hans replied as he noticed, "It's rare for the moon to be glowing red like this." "Elsa, do you want to get a closer look?" Saphir asked as he got up.


    ~Hino Family Shrine~


    "That's great to hear!" Grandpa Hino replied to his granddaughter. "Piplup," Chad concurred. "Well, be sure to get yourself ready. We'll be taking the bus to the Imperial Palace," Grandpa added.


    ~Moon Palace~


    "So you need me to go there while they're having that concert?" Goldar asked Thrax. "Yes," Thrax replied, "But don't act until you get the signal." "Signal? What signal?" Goldar questioned. "Don't worry about it, Goldar. Once you get it, you'll know for sure," Thrax replied.




    "Z?" Hiccup wondered out loud, "Oh, you mean Zordon. These Lockseeds you have, you two aren't the only ones with them." Taking out his Lockseed, Hiccup showed it to Mario and Luigi, saying, "If you're wondering what these things are for, it's best if I take you guys to Zordon first." Placing his hands on the shoulders of Mario and Luigi, Hiccup teleported himself and the brothers away from the area.


    ~Command Center~


    As Hiccup teleported to the Command Center with Mario and Luigi, Alpha cried, "Aye-yi-yi! I thought you were only going to get one other person, Hiccup." "Yeah, well, there was a bit of a miscalculation, Alpha. Turns out Mario AND his brother, Luigi, both have Lockseeds," Hiccup replied as he pet Toothless, "Mario, Luigi... welcome to the Command Center. That's Navi, and that there is Alpha 5." "Greetings," Alpha greeted Mario and Luigi. "And this is the big guy himself, Zordon!" Hiccup said, introducing Zordon to the brothers. "Welcome, Mario and Luigi," Zordon greeted the two brothers, "Hiccup has told me how the two of you are in possession of Lockseeds." "To kinda put this in simple terms guys, I'm sure you've seen those heroes with spandex like the Power Rangers and Riders. But where did they get their powers from? Well, while there are a ton out there, the technology they use to become these heroes can all be originally traced whether directly or indirectly to one source. And that source, is this guy right here, Zordon," Hiccup explained to the brothers, "Zordon is my leader, and leader of quite a few other warriors like the ones I mentioned. And if you were wondering, yes, I am one of those warriors." Taking out his Driver and Lockseed, Hiccup used them and transformed into his Rider form...


    "Pretty neat, huh?" Hiccup told Mario and Luigi.


    ~Outside Tsukino Household~


    As Rini neared home, she started to hear someone groaning nearby. "Huh? Who's there?" Rini wondered out loud, turning around, and finding Darien, struggling to walk while covering a gunshot wound in his left shoulder with his bloodied hand...


    Gasping at the sight of Darien injured, Rini called out to him, "Darien? What happened to you?" Looking at Rini, Darien tried to talk, replying with a weakened voice, "Ri... ni..." But before Darien could continue his sentence, he fainted, shocking Rini. "Darien? DARIEN?!" Rini cried as she rushed towards Darien, "Darien! Please wake up!" But as she noticed even more blood on Darien's left shoulder, Rini realized she needed help, crying, "HELP! SOMEBODY, HELP!" "Rini, what's going on?!" Sammy questioned as he and his father rushed out of their home...


    The two then gasped upon noticing Darien unconscious on the ground with blood on his shoulder. "Rini, what happened?" Kenji asked Rini. "I... I don't know," Rini replied, "He was just walking by when I saw him, and then..." "Okay... let's just get him inside. Help me out, Sammy," Kenji said. "Right," Sammy replied as he and Kenji carried Darien, taking him to their home. "Darien..." a worried Rini said to herself as she followed them.


    ~Tsukino Household~


    "That's good to hear," Ikuko replied to her daughter, "By the way, Serena... there was something I wanted to ta-" But before Ikuko could continue her sentence, she heard Rini outside crying for help. "Rini?" Ikuko wondered out loud. Kenji and Sammy then immediately rushed to the exit after hearing Rini's cry for help...


    "We'll check it out," Kenji said as he and Sammy went outside. "I hope everything's okay," Ikuko said to herself. After a few moments, Sammy and Kenji returned with Rini while carrying the injured Darien...


    "Oh my goodness!" Ikuko cried, gasping as she covered her mouth after noticing the blood from Darien's left shoulder, "What happened?!" "I don't know," Kenji replied, "But he's bleeding badly! I'm gonna get him into a room." "Right," Ikuko replied, "Serena, get me some towels, quick!"


    ~Island in the Pacific Ocean - Cave~


    Arriving into the cave, Moana looked around until noticing a figure sitting on top of a boulder humming to himself...


    "Doo doo doo, what can I say except 'You're welcome!'" Maui quietly sang to himself. "Maui?" Moana called out to Maui, "Master Maui?" Noticing Moana arriving, Maui jumped down from the boulder, replying, "Yup, that's my name kid. Why do you ask?" Summoning her Keyblade, Moana said, "Because I want to become a Keyblade Master. I want to train under you, Master Maui, and pass the Mark of Mastery Exam." "Hmm, I see," Maui commented, "I appreciate you coming to me for your training. But... before I make a decision..." Maui summoned his own Keyblade before continuing, "How 'bout we have ourselves a small battle, to see if you're worthy to train." Grinning, Moana got in a battle stance, replying, "It would be my pleasure."
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Mar 10, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Meilin Lee
    Now that the KINGDOM HEARTS Orchestra -World Tour- has begun, news has been coming in from their first concert in Tokyo. Inside a brochure available for purchase at the concert, a joint interview with series director, Tetsuya Nomura, and series composer, Yoko Shimomura, was included. Surprisingly, this is actually the first time the two are interviewed at the same time, and it's a pretty good read. The full interview can be read below:
    Source: KHInsider
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Mar 10, 2017, 2 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  7. Meilin Lee
    Updated OP once again with information on pre-registration.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Mar 10, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  8. Meilin Lee
    Updated OP with new info on a Western release.

    Also... Theater Mode!!!
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Mar 10, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  9. Meilin Lee
    It's supposed to be a continuation of the story, so I would assume it's like you said, just new story quests and other stuff (in addition to a new name). I'm pretty sure the old quests will remain.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Mar 10, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  10. Meilin Lee
    The second season of 'Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ[chi]' that Tetsuya Nomura had been hinting at in the past has been announced, with the game being renamed 'Kingdom Hearts Union X[cross]'. Check out a trailer below:

    The update will be released in Japan sometime this month. No international release date currently known at this time.

    Thanks to @Laplace for letting us know!


    The game is scheduled to be released in the west next month. Trailer below:

    And an overview:
    Source: Gematsu

    UPDATE 2:

    Pre-register here, and you could get smartphone wallpapers and other rewards rewards (like Jewels and a Sora/Roxas Medal).
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Mar 10, 2017, 10 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  11. Meilin Lee
    So if anyone's interested, Disney uploaded all the songs from the movie to their official YouTube channel.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Mar 10, 2017 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  12. Meilin Lee
    In celebration of the recent release of 'Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 ReMix' in Japan, Square-Enix has launched a website celebrating the series' music. In the website, you could watch Sora running on sheet music while listening to one of eight tracks, which include:
    • Sora
    • Riku
    • Kairi
    • Roxas
    • Aqua
    • The 13th Struggle
    • Blast Away! Gummi Ship I
    • Tension Rising
    Depending on the chosen track, Sora's running, as well as background images and dialogue will change. In addition to the website, there will be a campaign that'll go on until March 31st, with the winner winning a DEARLY BELOVED music box:

    The campaign for now appears to be only for Japanese fans, as it involves tweeting your favorite KH memory involving the story or music to the official Kingdom Hearts Japanese twitter account. However, for those of you still wanting to give it a try, make sure you tweet with the following hashtag: #音で視るキングダムハーツ

    Source: KHInsider
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Mar 8, 2017, 0 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  13. Meilin Lee
    Famitsu has announced that 'Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 ReMix' will be featured in its March 9th issue, while providing the preview shown above. We'll bring you more information from the article as soon as it is released.
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Mar 7, 2017, 0 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  14. Meilin Lee
    As the release of 'Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 ReMix' fast approaches, the trophy lists of the games included in the collection have been released by Exophase. While mostly the same as the trophies from the PS3 release, there are some changes (such as stacked trophies for completing 'Kingdom Hearts Final Mix' and 'Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories' on Proud Mode). Check out the trophy lists with the links below:
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Mar 6, 2017, 1 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  15. Meilin Lee
    Kingdom Hearts 2.8 HD Final Chapter Prologue - PS4
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Mar 6, 2017 in forum: The Playground
  16. Meilin Lee
    With the highly anticipated KINGDOM HEARTS Orchestra -World Tour- concert about to kick off in Tokyo this Friday, Square-Enix released information on merchandise that can be purchased by those who attend the concert. It's currently unknown whether or not the merchandise will be available for concerts in other locations, but it's highly likely they'll be available in some shape or form. And the merchandise include:

    View attachment 46490
    KINGDOM HEARTS Orchestra -World Tour- Album (¥3,500)​

    View attachment 46491
    KINGDOM HEARTS Orchestra -World Tour- Brochure (¥2,500)​

    View attachment 46492
    Keyblade Conductor Baton (¥3,700)​

    View attachment 46493
    KINGDOM HEARTS Orchestra -World Tour- T-Shirt (¥3,000)​

    View attachment 46494
    KINGDOM HEARTS Orchestra -World Tour- Leather Case (¥2,000)​

    View attachment 46495
    KINGDOM HEARTS Orchestra -World Tour- Pouch (¥3,500)​
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Mar 6, 2017, 2 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  17. Meilin Lee
    Square-Enix has confirmed that the upcoming multiplayer mode of 'Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ[chi]' will be playable to attendees at this month's PAX East 2017 event. While there is no definitive release date for multiplayer mode, this hopefully implies that the update will be released soon. PAX East 2017 will be held in Boston from March 10-12.
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Mar 4, 2017, 0 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  18. Meilin Lee
    Remaining key roles have been cast:
    • Eme Ikwuakor as Gorgon
    • Isabelle Cornish as Crystal
    • Mike Moh as Triton
    • Sonya Balmores as Auran
    • Ellen Woglom as an undisclosed character
    Oh, and the 2,000 lb dog, Lockjaw, will be in the show as well.

    Post by: Meilin Lee, Mar 3, 2017 in forum: Movies & Media
  19. Meilin Lee
    ~Island in the Pacific Ocean~


    Arriving in an island on her raft, Moana got off, and started to walk around, saying, "This should be the place. But I wonder... where is Maui?" Noticing a cave ahead, Moana figured that could be where she finds Maui, and ran towards it.


    ~The Dimension of Mewni - Ludo's Hideout~


    "YOU GUYS ARE USELESS!" Ludo berated his minions after they returned from the Earth dimension, failing yet again at capturing Star Butterfly's wand, "You're always screwing up my brilliant plans! After 32 times!" "Actually, Master Ludo, this is the 33rd time we failed," one of Ludo's minions corrected him. "Oh, why thank you for correcting me," Ludo thanked the minion. "No problemo!" the minion replied. "By the way... YOU'RE FIRED!" Ludo yelled at the minion that corrected him, "Now get out!" "Aww man..." the minion regretfully said as he walked away. "Now, I'm going to think through what we've been doing wrong all this time, and try to come up with a brand new plan," Ludo told his other minions, "But until we get Star Butterfly's wand, no milkshake privileges for any of you!" Ludo's minions groaned after hearing what their boss said, while Ludo walked to his office to start brainstorming.


    ~Tsukino Household~


    "Hello Serena," Ikuko greeted her daughter as she came into the kitchen, "Rini is with her friends, but she'll be back soon. Hope you enjoyed your time at the mall. Oh, and how was school today?"




    After returning Celestia to her home, Mewtwo teleported himself and Rini to an alleyway close to where the Tsukinos lived. "Well, guess I should be heading home now, Mewtwo," Rini said. "Same time tomorrow, I presume?" Mewtwo asked Rini. "Yup," Rini replied as she started walking away, "See ya!" As Rini left while followed by Luna-P, Mewtwo teleported away from the area.


    ~Hino Family Shrine~


    "Welcome back, Rei!" Grandpa Hino greeted his granddaughter once she returned. "Piplup!" Chad added, welcoming Rei back as well. "Hope ya found yourself a dress you like for the concert," Grandpa said.


    ~Outside Nintendo High School~


    As Hiccup was walking towards the location of Mario and Luigi, he noticed that not only did Mario have a Lockseed, but so did Luigi. 'Luigi too? Didn't expect that,' Hiccup thought to himself, 'Either way, we can't talk outside in front of everyone. Gotta get them to follow me somewhere else.' As Hiccup walked past the two brothers, he whispered to them, "Psst, guys! Follow me into the alleyway over there." Hiccup then continued walking until he reached an alleyway where no one would hear what he and the two brothers would discuss.


    ~Prince Demande's Ship - Dining Area~


    Nephrite bowed in response as Elsa thanked him, leaving with the rest of the servants once dessert had been served. "Well whaddya know, it's my favorite too!" Hans concurred with Anna after she commented on chocolate being her favorite. "Hehe, don't worry, Elsa," Saphir told Elsa after telling her sister to mind her manners, "Demande and I don't mind."


    ~Annapolis, Maryland, U.S.A. - Cid's Warehouse~


    As the game progressed into the halftime break (Cincinnati Bengals currently leading the Baltimore Ravens by 8 points), Cid commented, "If y'all 'scuse me for a bit, I need to have a trip to the men's room." Once Cid left to go to the bathroom, Nick asked BB-8, "Hey, little guy, you're good with calculating odds, right? What're the chances of the Ravens pull a surprise win here?" Hearing BB-8's electronic beeping response to him (and understanding it), Nick commented, "10 percent, huh? I really hope for a miracle here... I swear, losing Ray Lewis this season was the worst thing to happen to the Ravens."
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Mar 3, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Meilin Lee
    This month, GameStop is offering a sweepstakes for Kingdom Hearts fans! Anyone who either pre-orders/purchases 'Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 ReMix', or purchases the recently released 'Kingdom Hearts 2.8 HD Final Chapter Prologue' will get two entries into the sweepstakes. The winner will get a Disney-themed trip that includes:
    • 2-Day Park-hopper Passes for Disneyland Park & Disney California Adventure Park
    • 3-Day passes to the D23 Expo
    • VIP Tour of Disneyland Resort
    Other ways to enter the sweepstakes include using GameStop reward points, with the following options:
    • 1 entry for 200 points
    • 7 entries for 1000 points
    • 15 entries for 2000 points
    Official sweepstakes rules could be read here.
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Mar 2, 2017, 2 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates