#8: Bob broke his leg. The doctor said he couldn't build or fix things for 6 months.
#6: skyscrapers. One of those skyscrapers was as tall as...
#4: and had his own show. It was called...
~Prince Demande's Ship - Dining Area~ As he watched the moon with the others, Saphir told Elsa, "When the moon is red like this, it's usually referred to as a 'Blood Moon'. Some people say that when two people dance under the light of the blood moon, they would be bound together for eternity. But... sounds like an old wives' tale to me personally. What do you think?" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Hino Family Shrine~ "Sure thing, Rei, we can do that," Grandpa Hino replied to his granddaughter's request for a prayer. "Piplup!" Chad concurred. "Just one question... who in the world are Tommy and Kimberly?" Grandpa asked --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Gringey City, Japan - Abandoned Pym Tech Factory~ Parking outside the abandoned factory that belonged to the company he once owned, Dr. Pym stepped out of his car and noticed two SUVs with J.I.A. logos on them parked in the area as well, figuring that they belong to Hiro and his friends. Entering the factory, Pym noticed Hiro and his friends either standing or looking around... "Dr. Pym, you made it!" Hiro greeted his professor. "I certainly did," Hank responded, "So... anyone mind telling me what the hell is going on?" "It's a... long story," Skye told Pym, "So bear with us for a bit." Everyone then proceeded in explaining to Dr. Pym the events that had transpired earlier in the day regarding their discovery of the Crystal Order's infiltration of the J.I.A., as well as their escape. "Holy... s***," Dr. Pym commented as he took a seat in an old chair, still trying to digest what he was told about the J.I.A., "The Crystal Order?" "It wasn't easy for any of us to comprehend," May replied. "Well... it does put things into different perspective, especially during my last days with the J.I.A.," Pym said as he reminisced to the day he left the J.I.A... Spoiler: Flashback in Hank Pym's Mind ~Flashback: 1989 - The Triskelion (a.k.a. the J.I.A. Headquarters)~ In 1989, around the time that the Triskelion was being built (and was temporarily called the 'Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division' Building, Dr. Hank Pym was angrily walking to confront Howard Stark, Peggy Carter, and a relatively new J.I.A. recruit... Spoiler: Actual HSD Footage "I should've seen it... as soon as that new guy that came in with Dr. Zola had such interest in my work and tricked Howard Stark into replicating my formula," Hank said after explaining to the group what happened during his final days with the J.I.A., "If I hadn't left... who knows? The Crystal Order would probably have their hands on the Pym Particle." "The Pym... Particle?" Hiro wondered out loud. After nearly a minute of silence, Dr. Pym replied, "Follow me... perhaps it's best I show you all." Hiro and the others then followed Dr. Pym as he led them to a different area in the factory. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Thor's and Loki's Home~ "Thor, Loki... your father and I are in the car," Frigga called out to her two sons from outside. "Coming!" both brothers replied as they were getting ready for the concert. After both of them wore their suits, they approached each other, with Loki commenting, "You look good." "Thank you, and so do you," Thor replied, "Well, best of luck, brother." "Thank you," Loki replied, smiling as he and Thor shared a hug, "Let's go." "Right," Thor concurred as the two headed outside. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Annapolis, Maryland, U.S.A. - Cid's Warehouse~ "Heh, don't worry. I don't mind at all," Nick replied to Cindy. Just then, the Baltimore Ravens scored a touchdown in the football game that finally put them in the lead. "Ha! Finally!" Cid cheered, "Jus' hope they don' mess it up before the game's over." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Island in the Pacific Ocean - Cave~ Spoiler: BGM Maui and Moana charged towards each other with their Keyblades, with both attempting to land a hit, while the other would successfully block the incoming attack. "Heh, you're pretty good," Maui commented as he and Moana battled, "How old are you?" "Sixteen," Moana replied as she tried to hit Maui with a Blitz attack, but was blocked. "I see," Maui replied, "Now... let's see if you could handle these tricks!" Maui then transformed into an eagle, flying high above the cave... Maui would then dive down for an attack, with Moana dodge rolling out of the way every time he attempted to attack. "Hey! That's cheating!" Moana complained. Maui then transformed into his half-shark form to continue with his battle against Moana... "Hey, if you wanna be a Keyblade Master, you gotta be ready for any type of danger," Maui replied to Moana as he charged at her while carrying his Keyblade with his fins, trying to attack her with his weapon as well as trying to bite her with his sharp teeth. Moana however was able to continue blocking his attacks, as well using her Keyblade to prevent Maui from biting her with his shark teeth. As Maui jumped back, an exhausted Moana said, "That it? Heh, too easy." "Oh, we're not done yet," Maui replied as he transformed into a reindeer... "Ugh, I spoke too soon..." Moana said to herself as Maui charged at her with his antlers pointed towards her. As Moana dodge rolled out of the way again and again, Moana tried to think of a way to end this battle. 'I got it... I just hope it works,' Moana thought to herself, hoping her plan works. As Maui charged at her once more, Moana jumped high right before Maui was able to hit her, landing on his back. Moana then quickly grabbed Maui's neck, trying to suffocate him while saying, "It's over, Maui. End this now!" As Maui struggled and unsuccessfully tried to get Moana off his back, he conceded the battle, collapsing to the ground as Moana let go of him. Hyperventilating as he transformed back to his human form, Maui congratulated Moana, saying, "Congratulations... you win." "Yes!" Moana cheered. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Command Center~ "Woah! That's so cool!" Hiccup exclaimed after Mario and Luigi transformed into their evolved forms, "I didn't know they could do that with their Lockseeds!" "It is a rare form, but it could be possible depending on one's power," Zordon replied. "Oh, so their form is a result of their power... I see," Hiccup commented. But once Mario and Luigi asked a bunch of questions (with Hiccup recognizing some of the stuff they were asking about), Hiccup said, "Umm, maybe it's best that Zordon explain to you where he came from. It'll probably answer most of your questions. It did for me when I first became a Rider. Anyway, I gotta go. Gotta pick up Manon to go to that concert at the Imperial Palace. I'll see you guys later." Hiccup then approached his dragon, Toothless, and the two teleported away from the Command Center. "Hiccup is correct, Mario and Luigi," Zordon told the two brothers, "Once you understand more about me and where I come from, then you'll have a better understanding of what is on your mind. Alpha, place the Cerebro devices on their heads." "Will do, Zordon," Alpha responded as he grabbed two helmets, placing them on the heads of Mario and Luigi, "Hold still... there. Now you two are ready." "What Alpha has placed on your heads is called a Cerebro device. It's a device from my homeworld. It allows those who place it on their head to connect to the mind of another, and see what they see. Use it, and you will see what I see, providing you with the answers you seek." Once Alpha activated the Cerebro devices, Mario and Luigi were put to sleep, but their minds weren't... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Inside Zordon's Mind~ Once inside Zordon's mind, Mario and Luigi found themselves in a bright area, with a man approaching them... "There you are, Mario, Luigi," Zordon greeted the two brothers as he approached them, "What you see right now is my appearance before residing in the Command Center permanently. However, none of this is real. What you and I see are seeing is each other's mind, not our physical forms. Almost like a dream. Now then..." As Zordon waved his hand, the area around him and the two brothers changed to resemble what appeared to be the middle of a crowded city in an alien planet... Spoiler: BGM "Welcome, Mario and Luigi, to my home... the planet of Azarath," Zordon told the brothers. Among the impressive sights surrounding the three, one important sight involved individuals walking around the city wearing outfits nearly identical to the ones worn by the Power Rangers and Riders. "The individuals you see right now are the city guards. My people invented the technology associated with the Rangers and Riders, to be used by guards and soldiers to protect Azarath and its people from any threats. It was when I arrived in Earth fifty years ago and brought over my world's technology that it spread throughout your world, leading to the creation of so many teams," Zordon explained, "Now I'm sure you are wondering why the name Azarath isn't familiar. It is because Azarath isn't in the same dimension as Earth. Rather, it exists in a dimension known as the Star Road dimension. Now let me show something else..." Zordon then waved his hand as the area around the three changed into what appeared to be a large temple... Spoiler: BGM "Welcome to the Temple of the Relic," Zordon told the two brothers, "One of the most important buildings in Azorath." The interior of the temple was large, full of stained glass paintings depicting several individuals, and highly ornamental. Elsewhere in the temple was a tall pillar with something on top of it. Waving his hand, Zordon made the platform he, Mario, and Luigi were standing on rise, elevating above, high enough to see what was on top of the pillar. Once they were high enough, the three could see strange item on top of the pillar. "What you see, Mario, Luigi, is the Relic," Zordon explained to the two brothers, "A precious artifact guarded by our people, said to hold tremendous power." The platform then began moving across the temple to one of the stained glass paintings in the ceiling, depicting someone handing what appeared to be the Relic to a group of people. "Legends say the Relic was given to our people by a kind traveler passing through our world," Zordon explained as he shifted his focus to another stained glass painting, showing five individuals with the Relic flying over them, "Every generation, one individual would be chosen out of five candidates to be the Harbinger, the guardian of the Relic, and leader of our people." The platform then began to move once more passing by stained glass paintings depicting several different groups of five individuals. "Over the years, many great Azarathians have had the honor of being Harbinger," Zordon continued as the platform stopped once it reached a stained glass painting depicting what appeared to be Zordon in the center of a group with four other individuals, "And the last time it happened, I was chosen to be the Harbinger, leader of Azarath. However, despite being Harbinger, nothing could prepare me for the ultimate trial." As Zordon waved his hand, the area around Zordon, Mario, and Luigi changed once more, and the three found themselves outside the Temple of the Relic, in the middle of a crowded city. Sighing as he began to remember a particularly painful memory for him, Zordon continued, "In the Star Road dimension... there existed an evil empire that was constantly expanding its borders. It was ruled by a wicked witch named Queen Beryl. Beryl was in actuality from the same dimension as Earth, but was forced out of there by Palkia, the guardian of all dimensions and maintainer of the pathways between them. After Palkia refused to take her back to her dimension, Queen Beryl vowed to find the Star Road's Dimension Key. You see... Dimension Keys are items that can be used to open paths between dimensions. Every dimension has exactly one. And with an entire dimension to search, Beryl forged an empire that would spread terror across the Star Road dimension. During that time, she conceived a son, named Thanos, who was in charge of a species known as S-types. And as time went on, Beryl grew weaker from old age, and was no closer to finding the Star Road's Dimension Key. But once the Dimension Key was identified, it was too late for Queen Beryl, for she had died." Spoiler: BGM "However, Beryl's son, Thanos, was ready to continue what his mother started," Zordon continued, "After his mother's death, he vowed to get the Dimension Key and finish what his mother started, opening a path to Earth's dimension and expand his mother's empire to there. And to do that, he needed the Star Road's Dimension Key... which was the Relic, the very artifact you two saw inside the temple. Full of vengeance, Thanos arrived at Azarath with his army of S-types to destroy the world and acquire the Relic. And no Azarathian, not even myself, was strong enough to save the planet..." Pointing up, Zordon showed Mario and Luigi the sky as it darkened, covered with ships that deployed S-types to the ground. Zordon, Mario, and Luigi watched as the people of Azarath were trying to run for their lives, only for the S-types to slaughter any innocent life they can find. The Rangers and Riders that were guarding the city tried fighting back, but were no match for the S-types. In the distance, a tall building was collapsing, with the S-type known as Smaug fly above... "I am fire! I am... death!" Smaug exclaimed as he was continuously burning whatever was below with his fire breath, with many people being burned alive by Smaug's fire. Elsewhere, Thanos was standing in the distance, accompanied by his second-in-command, the S-type known as Red Skull... Red Skull was issuing orders to the S-types to kill any Azarathian they find, while Thanos was grinning as he waved his hand, covered by a golden gauntlet with six colorful stones on it. Wherever Thanos pointed his hand, a building was destroyed. Thanos then raised his hand, and the ground all over shook and opened up crevices. Azarathians trying to flee fell into the crevices to their death. A mother and her baby then collapsed on the ground, with Thanos walking towards them. As the mother begged for mercy, Thanos replied with a cold laugh, and sent a beam from his golden gauntlet at the mother and baby, killing them both. As the dust settled, the sight around Zordon, Mario, and Luigi was grim. What was once a beautiful and radiant planet was reduced to absolute darkness and rubble. Corpses of Azarathians were all around them, covered in blood. Approaching the bodies of a family of three (a man, a woman, and their young daughter) hugging each other, Zordon said, "As I fought Thanos, I realized he was too powerful to be killed. So I trapped him in a void that he cannot escape. But... it was too late for my people. With Thanos gone, Red Skull assumed control of the S-types, and while the majority followed him, some went their own ways." Pointing to a small ship flying above them that was followed by larger ships and Smaug, Zordon continued, "Not willing to allow the S-types to get their hands on the Relic, I escaped Azarath along with the other four Harbinger candidates to the Earth dimension." Picking up a toy soldier on the ground, most likely belonging to a boy that was killed, Zordon told Mario and Luigi, "Mario... Luigi... what you see here is the very reason I want to help Earth. As the Harbinger, I... wasn't able to save my own people. But I will not allow Earth to suffer like Azarath did." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Command Center (again)~ "Zordon?" the new director of the J.I.A., Alexander Pierce, called out to Zordon as he arrived at the Command Center. "Oh, Mr., erm, I mean, Director Pierce," Alpha greeted Pierce, "Zordon is a bit busy with potential new recruits." "Recruits?" Pierce wondered out loud as he noticed Mario and Luigi asleep, "Well I'll be damned... Mario and Luigi..." "So you know them?" Alpha asked. "Oh yes, the J.I.A. has had had their eyes on these two for a while," Pierce responded, "Anyway, what are they doing?" "Simply communicating with Zordon through their minds," Alpha responded as he heard a beep coming from one of the machines, "Oh, guess they're done." Walking over to the two brothers, Alpha removed the Cerebro helmets from their heads, allowing them to awake. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Tsukino Household~ As Kenji and Sammy placed Darien on a small couch in one of the rooms, Kenji thanked Serena, "Thanks for the help Serena. I really need it." Kenji soaked one of the towels with water and covered Darien's wound to prevent more bleeding, "I just hope this works." "You keep doing that," Ikuko told Kenji, "I'll call for an ambulance." Upon hearing the word 'ambulance', Darien regained a bit of his consciousness, begging, "No... not the hospital... I can't go to the hospital... if I do, they'll find me and kill me! Don't take me there!" Darien then went back to being unconscious as he fainted, while Kenji, Ikuko, Sammy, and Rini were all shocked by what just happened. "Who's 'they'?" Sammy wondered out loud as Kenji felt Darien's pulse to make sure he was still alive. "Okay... so we have an unconscious young man in our home who's bleeding from a wound and demands that we don't get him to a hospital... any ideas?" Kenji asked. After pondering for a bit, Ikuko said, "There might be someone who can help... I'm going to call Claire." Approaching Darien, Rini looked at him with a worried look, and placed her hand on his forehand, quietly saying to herself, "Darien..." "Rini, do you know him?" Kenji asked as he removed the towel he was using (now full of blood), giving it to Serena for her to wash it, and getting a new towel to soak with water and cover the wound. "Yeah, he's a friend. I see him a few times every now and then," Rini replied, "You all saw him too. He was sitting next to us when we went to the Muppet Telethon." "Oh yeah! No wonder he looked so familiar," Sammy said. "That's right, I remember him now," Kenji added, "Poor guy. I wonder what happened to him." Returning to the room, Ikuko said, "I spoke with Claire, and she said she'll be here in a few minutes, and that you should keep doing what you're doing, Kenji." "Anything else?" Kenji asked. "Yes," Ikuko replied, "She's going to need each one of us to help her if we're going to save this poor young man's life. So... it means we're all going to have to stay here for the night." "So that means... we're not going to the concert?" Sammy asked. "I'm afraid not," Ikuko replied as she shook her head, "I'm sorry, Serena. But this is an emergency." "I'm sorry you'll have to miss the concert, Serena," Kenji told his daughter, "I promise we'll make it up to you after this is all done."
#2: a boy named...
Aww man, I'm sorry to see you go. Nevertheless, I understand your reasons, and I wish you the best. If you ever decide to come back and rejoin staff, I will definitely vouch for you. Take care!
Visitors to either Disneyland Resort in California or Disney World in Florida can now use a KH-themed filter with Snapchat, allowing you to take selfies with Sora, Riku, Kairi, Donald, and Goofy: This cool Snapchat filter, which celebrates the recent release of 'Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5+2.5 ReMix', appears to only be for the two Disney Parks listed above for now, with no word on whether the other Disney Parks in the world will allow visitors to use this filter soon.
Forgot to post this yesterday, but new trailer:
The PS4 re-release of 'Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMix' and 'Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMix' has been released in North America today, and to celebrate, Square-Enix released the following trailer for the PS4 release: European fans can get their hands on the game in three days on March 31st!
Today is March 28, 2017, which officially makes the 'Kingdom Hearts' series 15 years old. And to celebrate this milestone, director Tetsuya Nomura posted artwork of Sora in his KH3 attire on Twitter, thanking fans for 15 years of great memories: Happy 15th anniversary Kingdom Hearts!