52 Yo. Been a while, hasn't it?
I didn't even bother getting EA's original Battlefront game, as there were just so many things about it that angered me as a fan of the old Battlefront games from the PS2-era. That said, I do feel like the developers are actually listening to feedback now, thankfully. Story mode and having content from all eras made me excited for this game. Now all they need to do is add space battles as well as controllable vehicles, and then I'll absolutely pre-order it.
View attachment 47248 Recently, Famitsu celebrated the 15th anniversary of the 'Kingdom Hearts' series, which included a fan survey, as well as words from the series director, Tetsuya Nomura, Masahiro Sakurai of SSB and Kirby fame, and others, which have now been fully translated. In responding to the fan survey, Nomura says: Also, several VAs from the KH series (as well as Masahiro Sakurai and Japanese actress Rena Matsui) had a few words for KH's 15th anniversary: Special thanks to KHInsider's Saken for the translations!
My new job makes me tired all the time
Resogun - PS3
A new Pokémon named Marshadow has been revealed: It's a Fighting/Ghost-type. Details on distribution will be coming soon.
~Hino Family Shrine~ "Oh, I see," Grandpa Hino replied after Rei told him who Tommy and Kimberly were, "Well, congratulations to those two lovebirds. Hope they have a great marriage." "Piplup!" Chad concurred. After Rei mentioned Serena and her family wouldn't go to the concert because they were caring for a wounded man, Grandpa Hino said, "Oh, that's too bad. Wonder who this guy they're caring for is. Oh well... let's get to praying." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Prince Demande's Ship - Dining Area~ "Heh, yeah... I suppose you're right," Saphir replied as he looked at the blood moon. "I wish I could remain with you all and keep watching the moon, but I need to go back to my cabin to take care of things for tomorrow. Have a good night," Demande said as he left. "See ya," Hans replied as he and Saphir waved goodbye to him. A few moments later, Olaf arrived to the dining area... "Hey guys!" Olaf greeted the others, "Sorry I couldn't join you for supper. I was having a bit too much fun in my cabin. So, whatcha doing?" "Just watching the blood moon," Hans replied, pointing to the moon. "Blood... moon?" Olaf wondered out loud before looking at the moon, "Oh wow... I've never seen the moon like this before!" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Outside Manon's Home~ Arriving outside Manon's home with Toothless, Hiccup (wearing a suit for the concert) waited for Manon. "I'm here!" Manon cried as she rushed out of her home, wearing a simple green dress, while carrying Harry (who was wearing a bow-tie)... "Leemo!" Harry added. "Alrighty. Guess we better get going," Hiccup replied, "Honest question, Manon. Am I overdressed?" "Nah, I think you look good, Hiccup," Manon answered. "Leemoleemo," Harry concurred. "Glad to hear that," Hiccup said as he and Manon got on Toothless's back, "Okay, bud, to the Imperial Palace!" Toothless then quickly took off, flying high towards the sky as Hiccup and Manon held on, with both Manon and Harry letting out exhilarating screams. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Island in the Pacific Ocean - Cave~ Sitting on the ground in front of each other, Maui started his introductions with Moana, saying, "Okay, kid, those were some pretty good skills you showed off in our battle. So I could definitely see you becoming a Keyblade Master one day. But before we even begin with your training... first thing's first. Introductions. I am Master Maui, but you obviously already knew that. Then again, I wouldn't surprised if every Keyblade wielder knew of the great Master Maui himself!" As Moana rolled her eyes at Maui's self-centered attitude, Maui continued, "Now then, what about you? Name and where you're from." "My name is Moana," Moana answered, "I am the daughter of Master Tui, chief of Destiny Islands." "Wait, what?!" a surprised Maui questioned after Moana said who she was and where she was from, "You're Tui's daughter?!" "That's right," Moana replied. "B-but he didn't tell me you would be coming for training," Maui said. "I know," Moana replied, "Coming here was my own choice." "Are you crazy?!" Maui questioned, "Do you realize there's a growing threat of darkness in the world right now?!" "So you got Master Luke Skywalker's warning as well?" Moana asked. "Of course I did! He's trying to warn as many Keyblade masters as he could," Maui replied. "He warned my father as well," Moana said, "And when I heard my father receive that warning today, I felt like I had a duty to train harder and become a Keyblade Master sooner to help counter whatever darkness is coming. But my father didn't want me to do that. So, I decided to sail away from Destiny Islands and find you, Maui. Please, help me train so I can be a master!" "Ugh..." Maui groaned as he facepalmed, "Moana... your father's right. This is serious stuff. It's too dangerous for you to be away from your family with this threat." "Bu-" Moana replied before being interrupted by Maui. "Go home," Maui interrupted Moana, "It's for your own good." Disappointed, Moana sighed as she got up and walked towards the cave's entrance while Maui pondered whether he was doing the right thing. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Gringey City, Japan - Abandoned Pym Tech Factory - Basement~ "When I first joined the J.I.A. in the 60s, I was just a teenager, like you are right now, Hiro," Hank said as he lead Hiro and the other down the factory's basement, looking for a certain room, "And the reason was because even at my young age, I was so smart that I discovered and isolated a rare group of subatomic, extra dimensional particles, which I called 'Pym Particles'. Pym Particles are subatomic particles of an extra dimensional nature that are capable of shunting or adding mass and reducing or increasing scale of any form of matter, compressing physical forces around such objects or organisms that they are applied to, as well as increasing density and strength of the subject." "Huh?" May wondered out loud, getting lost by the scientific terms Pym used. "In other words, you can use the Pym Particles to alter one's size while amplifying force exertion capabilities," Pym responded, "For example, I could shrink myself, while my punches and kicks would be a lot stronger than when I am normal sized. As a matter of fact, I did do that." "Really?" Both Skye and Hiro questioned Pym as they reached a room. "Absolutely," Hank replied as he was getting the key to open the door, "Care to fill 'em in, Fury, Shining Armor?" "It's true," Fury added, "I never saw it in person myself, but... when Hank Pym worked for the J.I.A., he conducted many missions wearing a suit that made him shrink to the size of an ant and still kick all kinds of bad guy ass across the world." "Yeah... 'Ant-Man' was what you were called, wasn't it?" Shining Armor asked Hank. "You're correct," Pym replied as he opened the door, leading to a room that only contained a safe. "It's a... safe," Jemma commented. "What's in it?" Fitz asked. "You'll see," Pym replied as he remembered the safe's combination, using it to open it. Inside the safe was an old and strange suit. "What is that?" Hiro asked. "This, Hiro, was the suit I wore for so many years when I was conducting missions for the J.I.A. as 'Ant-Man', which, by using Pym Particles, allowed me to shrink and gain amazing abilities," Pym replied, "After I left the J.I.A., I made sure to keep it safely hidden so that no one could use it for evil purposes." Grabbing the suit, Hank handed it to Hiro, saying, "Hiro, I'm an old man now, no longer the man I was when I wore that suit. But when I see you, I see the same young man that I was when I first joined the J.I.A.... when I first became Ant-Man. Hiro, you and your friends are in a tough spot, and you'll need to protect yourself. So that's why I want you to become the next Ant-Man." Shocked by what Hank just told him, Hiro gazed at the suit, asking Pym once more, "M-me?" "Yeah," Pym replied, "Go ahead, put it on. You're gonna need to start practicing with it now if you wanna use it." "Umm, yeah," Hiro replied, still surprised by Pym's decision to give him his suit from his J.I.A. days. "Oh, and guys," Hank told Hiro's friends, "I would really appreciate your help in training Hiro." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Annapolis, Maryland, U.S.A. - Cid's Warehouse~ As the football match was reaching its final seconds, Cid's eyes were glued to the television, saying to himself, "Come on, come on..." Once the game was over, the Baltimore Ravens officially won the game, beating the Cincinnati Bengals 20-17. "Yeah! The Ravens won!!" Cid cheered as he got up from his seat, grabbing Nick and happily jumping up and down. As BB-8 watched curiously, Nick was surprised Cid wanted to celebrate with him (given his rude attitude towards him earlier), but simply shrugged as he looked at BB-8 and Cindy, deciding to go with it as he happily jumped up and down, telling Cindy, "Come on and join in the fun!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Command Center~ Pierce silently waved hello after Luigi greeted him. As Mario and his Luigi left, Pierce asked Zordon, "So, I take it those two are the newest of your recruits?" "They have the power to help," Zordon replied, "And I can see them as becoming part of the team." "Aye-yi-yi!" Alpha cried, "I forgot to give them some spare communicators I had so that we could always be in contact with them." "Don't worry, Alpha," Zordon replied, "I'll ask Hiccup to speak with them later to in order to give them communicators." "Alright then..." Alpha said, "By the way... Director, what are you doing here?" "Well, I know Gideon Malick passed by here earlier today," Pierce replied, "But I thought that it would still be a good idea to come and speak with Zordon myself." "Any leads on who was responsible for Kate Stewart's death?" Zordon asked. "Not yet, but we're working on it," Pierce lied to Zordon, "Should we need your help, Zordon, we'll let you know." Just then, the alarm in the Command Center went off, and Alpha cried, "Aye-yi-yi! S-types! Outside the Command Center!" Looking at the viewing globe, Alpha and Pierce watched as many S-types surrounded Mario and Luigi. "Alpha, contact any Rangers and Riders you can to help Mario and Luigi stop these S-types," Zordon ordered Alpha. "Right on it, Zordon!" Alpha replied. But before Alpha could even start contacting one of Zordon's warriors, Alexander Pierce said, "No, wait... don't call anyone Alpha." "W-what?" Alpha responded, surprised by Pierce's orders. "I wanna see how Mario and Luigi handle this," Pierce said. "But they could get killed!" Alpha replied. "When they clearly can't do anything anymore, then you could call for backup," Pierce said, "I feel like Mario and Luigi will be fine, trust me." "Well, if you say so..." Alpha responded. "Very well, Alexander Pierce," Zordon added, "Let us observe how Mario and Luigi shall battle the S-types." Nodding, Pierce shifted his attention back to the viewing globe, grinning as he watched the battle begin. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Tsukino Household~ "Well, for now, you could just keep washing the towels that have blood on them," Kenji replied to Serena, "At least until Claire comes and gives us new instructions." Just then, everyone heard the doorbell ring. "That must be Claire," Ikuko said as she went to get the door. "Heh, it's a good thing we have a nurse for a neighbor," Kenji commented. Opening the door, Ikuko found Claire carrying a large medical bag filled with medical supplies... "Claire! Thank you for coming on such short notice," Ikuko thanked Claire. "Hey, what are neighbors for," Claire replied as she entered, "So, what's this I hear about a guy with a wound who doesn't wanna go to the hospital?" "He's right here," Sammy told Claire, leading her to the room where Darien was unconscious on a couch. "Oh my God..." Claire said with shock as she observed Darien and his wound, "Why did he say he didn't wanna go to the hospital?" "Something about being found and getting killed by... some guys, apparently," Kenji answered. "Killed... right..." Claire commented as she took a closer look at Darien's wound in his chest, "So you're saying there could be some risk in helping him out?" "I guess you could say that," Ikuko replied. "Please, you have to help him," Rini begged Claire, "Darien's a good friend, and I don't want anything to happen to him." Sighing, Claire smiled as looked at Rini, replying, "Oh, how can I say no to that face. Okay, Rini, you wanna help?" "Yeah!" Rini enthusiastically replied. "I need you to go and get me an empty trash can," Claire ordered Rini. "Got it!" Rini replied as she left to get an empty trash can. "Thank you again for helping us out, Claire," Ikuko thanked Claire. "Don't mention it. Besides, it's not like I had anything better to do," Claire replied, "Now, I was taking a look at Darien over here, and I'm pretty sure that wound on his shoulder was from a bullet. And with a bullet wound like that, the chances of him getting dangerous infections skyrockets. So we better act fast." Dropping her medical bag next to the couch where Darien was, Claire picked up the bowl of water Serena brought earlier, ordering the others, "Kenji, I need new towels and clean water. Ikuko, get me some cotton balls. Sammy, I need you to get me some masking tape. Understood?" "Yes," Kenji, Ikuko, and Sammy all replied as Kenji grabbed the bowl Claire was holding, and the three left to get what Claire asked them to. Looking at Serena, Claire instructed her, "Serena, I need you to stay close to me the whole time. I'll be constantly asking you to give me certain supplies from my bag, got it? First off, I need you to give me a flashlight. There's one on the small pocket to the bag's right." As Claire waited for Serena to give her a flashlight, she checked Darien's pulse.
Mongram International Inc. has announced that paperweights based on the Keyblades Way to the Dawn and Kingdom Key D will be coming out soon. You can check out how the paperweights will look below: View attachment 47236 View attachment 47237
Updated OP with scans and results of fan surveys
#3: it had wings and could speak Swahili.
Update: Both figures are now available for preorder from the North American Square Enix Store. The Riku Figure is available for $49.99 and the Aqua figure is available for $129.99. AmiAmi has put both a Play Arts Kai Aqua figure and a Static Arts Gallery Riku figure up for pre-order, with the figures being released this July in Japan. You can check out the figures below: View attachment 47211 View attachment 47212
#10: But as time passed, he realized that his passion was in knitting instead of building and fixing things. So, he eventually became a professional knitter and lived happily ever after.