I have another code idea: -Being spotted by Pete, Lumiere, ect. does not trigger failure. (Fail-safe sneaky)
I have a couple of code requests: -Unlimited HP -Limit Break always available I'm at the first Wonderland mission in Story Mode and I cannot defeat Stealth Sneak.
I don't get how Donald and Goofy could be able to fight alongside the members of the Organization. Kinda strange...
1. Kingdom Key 2. Two Across 3. Fenrir 4. Ultima Weapon 5. Fatal Crest
Hi! ^^ Thank you for the friend request!
I think this might help: http://translate.google.com/transla...rv/vol12/001.html&sl=ja&tl=en&history_state0=
Can someone please create a code for FFX-2 that gives you an easy victory in Sphere Break? I can never win that stupid game.
I believe this... 2PMM-DN0M-NYVGJ XJKU-DM62-UCGMV C0Y0-98XC-Q0FNF ...is the No Music code for PAL. Can somebody please convert it to NTSC? I can't seem to do it. Please and thank you!
How's it going, Jaden? ^^
Sora_101 said "All that codebreaker has for Spider-man 2 is status modifiers, such as infinite health, Max Hero Points, etc. so I can't help you with that... " My thanks was in regards to the willingness to help. Didn't mean to leave you out in the cold, Jaden. I know how hard you work to help get these codes for everyone. You're awesome. ^^
Heart Gold for me! <3
The Japanese logos for these games are awesome. ^^ 'Tis Red, my friend. A character whom Ash Ketchum was derived from.
I was looking for ARMAX, not Codebreaker. But I do appreciate your willingness to help. Thank you.
Waffles! <3 Pancakes! <3 I like 'em both!
Naminé has to be Kairi's Nobody. She and Roxas faded back into Sora and Kairi during the final battle with Xemnas, and it showed them looking at each other from within Sora and Kairi at the end.
Sweet! Dave Boat makes for an awesome Lexaeus!
I know that there are already a fair few codes on the ARMAX (USA) for Spider-Man 2, but an interesting code idea came to my mind just the other day. Is there any way to create a code that will enable you to play as either unmasked Spidey (from the Doc Ock boss fight) or Peter Parker (from the Daily Bugle scenes)?
You get a standing ovation from me. That was excellent! ^^
I was just curious... Is there any good way to extract the sound effects from a KH disc? I don't have the right equipment to record audio directly from the television.
Check the Cutscene Archive on this site, under Kingdom Hearts 2: Final Mix. http://www.kh-vids.net/index.php?page=kh2fmcutv3#