well i played it for about 6 months straight never turning my ps2 off and getting as little sleep as possible...i was hartbroken when it happpened the first time but when i brought the game again and it hjappened after only 2 months...tragic...i then sold my ps2 cuz they dont sell kh here any more
I've...been better ill be alright though... being ill with stress isnt a good combbination...when my exams are over ill be happy as grass...grass...
especially the people :) so how you doin?
HA sounds like me half the time xD
"What a way to travel. I needed that surprise...I had a long night...I slept in a tree for some reason." Seth said "So where you headed anyway?" Seth asked
Seth finished his cofee and leaned back in his chair...Then saw Jet and fell off his chair "You...the sky...HOW?" He asked then burst out laughing and picked himself off the floor.
Seth delivered the paper and caught a glimpse of a clock in one of the houses "That early?" He murmered "Damn birds" Seth said and checked his pocket "Should be enough for a cheap cofee" He murmered and went in search of a cofee store
...I will say nothing
people thought i was a girltoo plums...waaaaaaaaaaay more than 3 xD
Probably the tuba...One note? Effing bull.
true that!
OOC: my replies may be slow his week due to grounding...im a sneaky erson ill reply as much as i can BIC: "Papers" Seth murmered and got up and walked home to get them.
A couple of birds landed on Seth and started tweeting. Seth groaned and rolled over, right out of the tree "Ugh good morning mister magpie" He groaned he propped himself up, looked around then gave up and lay back. "How did I even get here anyway?"
I laughed so hard...so 4chan=win apu
GAH im tied...though i must say earth or water are my top 2 id AVE TO PICK WATer...knowing that earth can only be used where there is earth and how 70% of the world is water
whats the difference between a cherry and a berry anywho? so pacman eats cherrys to get 20 points...what are your views on this?
How about the pit?
why not? they brought out KH1 and KH:CoM
indeed...as they say "opinions are like buttholes...we all have them"
Iso/Cso=the game (not the one y'all lost) so in other words...well your aware you can legally download games to a memory stick? the game would be the iso/cso