Well this bein the case while your having one of yhour chats why not just say "hey...we should hang out some time how 'bout it?" if she says ok ask what she wants to do nd take it from there...best of luck at getting the girl my friend
Tell your friend how you feel, at least try and to know this guy first at least then you can say you gave it a shot....It doesn't have to affect you in anyway you dont hav to date him just talk and decide if you like him or not...Who knows you might eend up good friends ^^ if no be nice tell him how you feel and it's sorted. Hope this helped
i usually love nightmares i dig the whole horror stuff...but...the worst are when loved ones die...the freaky thing is for me...usually when you die in sleep you wake up...for me...i either ge a falling sensation and wind up in a completely different dream...or everything goes black (or sometimes white) andd nothingness is all around
go up to her have a llaugh let her see you for who you are for a few days then ask her to hang out with you some time.