i get every DLC every week. and i live in CANADA so ive been buying the gay 150% prrice crap. Judas preist album cost me more than 20 bucks. i bought Zero today, im not particulalry fond of The Mother Hips, but i guess ill buy them later. at least PSN prices cropped in canada. edit: next weeks DLC is 3 single tracks, not a pack. just like this weeks.
no you dont have to pay. if you log onto my account, go into download list and pick whatever you want. i only paid for like 40 of my songs though, the rest i got from Sungam over at scorehero EDIT: Im going to try and FC Timmy. i did a -1 run and broke a controller. so i RMAd a new guitar.
oh if i invite you again you can do bass. hold on actually, how long would it take you tog et a few song packs. i can share some of my DLC with you and dont worry, i wont pick GGaHT again lol.
Old ... uhh.. thing you tried to make into a trend is old
Doesn't matter to me. If you fail, i can bring you back. and that song is difficult on drums, (and the song is 10 mintues long lol)
what are you best at. Im on gutiar because my green drum broke off and is hanging by the wire, and my second bass pedal snapped. edit: and accept my psn friend invite. my computer is literally underneath my ps3 so i can type and play at the same time pretty much Band Quickplay invite sent
i use Xendran for everything. friend request sent
Al;right, you are goign to play online right now. with me. band quickplay. whats your PSN?
The third game was butchered. Anarchy in the UK? WTF???????????
I cant FC Throu\gh the fire and flame son expert! im stuck with a crappy 5 star D:
My Sharona - The Knack
wrong seciton again
Get rock band. Best game ever (155 songs for me, im a DLC Whore)
Exactly what i though. Ever since i got rock band, i havent touched the kingdom hearts games. An\d with console wars, even though i own a ps3, i see why people like 360s
Wrong section, and beat terra and Limit cuts.
/thread .
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