I havent seen anything yet.
Men men men men MANLY men men men
Yay for couches!
*searches member list*
Lol! Thats actually pretty funny xD
Blue suits you well ^_^
avvy: Win/10 Sig: Good/10
Good and Win.
You can auto certain things like LPs (the ghost thing that spawns the other undead things) But other than that, i never really used gambits. edit: and there's always Action Mode
You sir, are insane. Horrible voice acting. 1. Compression. WAY Too much compression. 2. Ba-Ha-Moot? Anyawys, i liked the game because of the battle system and the areas. IMO, this games world would have been good for an MMORPG, and i would have liked it better if it was.
Rydia AFTER you first meet her. when shes older.
KEep trying. if it doenst work, warranty it.
GH: Aerosmith - I forget GHIV - October
I hate them too. and did you finish those RB songs?
VII. XII AC would be strange. And i just enjoyed the flashy effects. Story was there btu not really sgnifigant.
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