Done ^^ ;) Link at the front page
done your signature :) -> front page from my sig shop
SoratE09 your Code is invaild because ... don't know why but your code is not convertable :(
aso k :D hab neue sig ;)
nich viel un bei dir? komm icq on
Play as Roxas with RC fix 0NZV-53QZ-T4062 AG40-KENM-ZE7XQ 8NZ7-K6QT-Y7ANX T7FX-AFGN-FAXR5 Play as DW Roxas with RC fix JHZX-BRXZ-VQF4J 6P4E-BHVW-V2F5F GUJ8-274X-JJ8TA T7FX-AFGN-FAXR5
Play as Roxas with RC fix 11CE0B68 0000005A 01C9572F 00000001 21CE267C 003F00AC Play as DW Roxas with RC fix 11CE0B68 00000323 01C9F62F 00000001 21CE267C 003F00AC
there is no code for that :(
done ;) ^^ -> front page
no problem dude ^^ ;)
finished your sig -> front page from my sig shop
here ya go: [Drive into] Dual Wield Roxas [Choose Valor] KMMK-PCXR-VH1P4 AG40-KENM-ZE7XQ 0Q6V-528M-QWBM0 BNEA-QEJZ-X6FCK 9MTE-Q7GU-AB15D NX07-DA31-NJE3H 65AW-9QMP-VYWT3 UW03-8MTJ-7P6BW 4NCY-0Z30-JTXWD DJ1E-MA6E-QJ81F
I replaced the emporer but nothing :( the battle music from Land of Dragon comes and i can play but there is no Xemnas :(
:D u forgot the "[" at the beginning :D
finished your sig
okay , also: Rener: This Sora above Text: I've been chosen to wear a crown Size: Like mine which means 400x150 right? Done :D Link at the Front Page
omg! u can't understand me! find a render [PICTURE] on and send me the link of the pic. then u write what size,text and then wait some minutes/hours/years xD when i finished i upload it on photobucket and put it into my front page.
and what render? what text?
lol xD i need all things from the front page to make a signature for you :D so look at planetrenders and tell me the oter things ;)
finished your sig :D look at the front page of my sig shop