hehe thanks :)
well I'm NOT A GIRL !!! xD and here: Sora have a golden Crown 0032F1E2 00000001 0032F1E3 00000001 0032F1E4 00000001
yes there is a smudge effect but why should i need it>?
blending what? what is it? can i make it with gimp too? because i'm german and i only have photoshop in english :(
well i tried something on deviantart but the most thing i don't understand :(so tried to make a cooler border and some cooler background :)
i will test it tommorow because in germany it'S 22:30 pm :D
hey DPwolf :( sorry that i say i don't like your ava/sig :( they are so great ! i want to ask how do you like my sig/ava now?
will it work ? because i use one and the game never started :(
is this the mode from slips new video???
no sorry and does the code which you send me work? and whats the second keyblade?
DW Wisdom Form Final MIx Armax
whats the armox code for dw wisdom form for kh2fm?
hey i can make better siggs now :) do you want a new?
hehe thx :)
can u give me dw wisdom form in armax format for kh2fm please?
wanna be my freind?
can someone give me the armax code version of the code ? Thank ya ;) [for KH2FM+]
c'mon please :) http://i38.tinypic.com/24612bq.png
no critique?
hey i follow your infos and how do you like this signature? http://i38.tinypic.com/24612bq.png