Play as Goofy ~Maik K7CV-HZ57-6Z2TN G5PV-F9BJ-UTA1H
hmmm.... i uploaded it now on photobucket :D [IMG]
here ya go: UWM Digits (Sora) Code: REAL 0029 = Kingdom Key 002A = Oathkeeper 002B = Oblivion 01E0 = Star Seeker 01E1 = Hidden Dragon 01E4 = Hero's Crest 01E5 = Monochrome 01E6 = Follow the Wind 01E7 = Circle of Life 01E8 = Photon Debugger 01E9 = Gull Wing 01EA = Rumbling Rose 01EB = Guardian Soul 01EC = Three Wishes 01ED = Decisive Pumpkin 01EE = Sleeping Lion 01EF = Sweet Memories 01F0 = Mysterious Abyss 01F1 = Fatal Crest 01F2 = Bond of Flame 01F3 = Fenrir 01F4 = Ultima Weapon 0180 = Struggle Hammer 002C = Detection Saber 002D = Edge of Ultima 021F = Acrossing Two 0220 = Winner's proof 002D = Detection Saber 002C = Edge of Ultima DUMMY's 08BD = Kairi's Keyblade(Don't Do Ground Finisher) 0067 = Kingdom Key 0068 = Oathkeeper 0069 = Oblivion 0074 = Darkside 0769 = Star Seeker 0317 = Way to The Dawn 076A = Hidden Dragon 076B = Hero's Crest 076C = Monochrome 076E = Follow The Wind 076F = Photon Debugger 0770 = Gullwing 0771 = Rumbling Rose 0772 = Guardian Soul 0773 = Wishing Lamp 0774 = Dicisive Pumpkin 0775 = Sleeping Lion 0776 = Sweet Memory 0777 = Mysterious Abyss 0778 = Fatal Crest 0779 = Bond Of Flame 077A = Fenrir 077B = Ultima weapon 0845 = Xaldin Spear's 0846 = Axel Weapon's 0842 = Saïx'- Sword 0843 = Xigbar's Gun Arrow 02C0 = Battle Companion (Auron's Weapon) and ROXAS WITH FINAL MOVESET FIX (by razor234) 21CD53F0 46544C55 21CD53f4 00004C5F 21CD53f8 00000000 21CD5410 46544C55 21CD5414 0000525F 21CD5418 00000000
REAL 0029 = Kingdom Key 002A = Oathkeeper 002B = Oblivion 01E0 = Star Seeker 01E1 = Hidden Dragon 01E4 = Hero's Crest 01E5 = Monochrome 01E6 = Follow the Wind 01E7 = Circle of Life 01E8 = Photon Debugger 01E9 = Gull Wing 01EA = Rumbling Rose 01EB = Guardian Soul 01EC = Three Wishes 01ED = Decisive Pumpkin 01EE = Sleeping Lion 01EF = Sweet Memories 01F0 = Mysterious Abyss 01F1 = Fatal Crest 01F2 = Bond of Flame 01F3 = Fenrir 01F4 = Ultima Weapon 0180 = Struggle Hammer 002C = Detection Saber 002D = Edge of Ultima 021F = Acrossing Two 0220 = Winner's proof 002D = Detection Saber 002C = Edge of Ultima DUMMY's 08BD = Kairi's Keyblade(Don't Do Ground Finisher) 0067 = Kingdom Key 0068 = Oathkeeper 0069 = Oblivion 0074 = Darkside 0769 = Star Seeker 0317 = Way to The Dawn 076A = Hidden Dragon 076B = Hero's Crest 076C = Monochrome 076E = Follow The Wind 076F = Photon Debugger 0770 = Gullwing 0771 = Rumbling Rose 0772 = Guardian Soul 0773 = Wishing Lamp 0774 = Dicisive Pumpkin 0775 = Sleeping Lion 0776 = Sweet Memory 0777 = Mysterious Abyss 0778 = Fatal Crest 0779 = Bond Of Flame 077A = Fenrir 077B = Ultima weapon 0845 = Xaldin Spear's 0846 = Axel Weapon's 0842 = Saïx'- Sword 0843 = Xigbar's Gun Arrow 02C0 = Battle Companion (Auron's Weapon)
hehe these are anime-girls :D they're so cute :3
what do you mean?
need a signature? ->Shop<-
the "All Ability's" Code works :D i test it a while ago and it's very long when u have AR MAX ;) but u can use Max Codelist Manager, it's pretty easy to use :) i made a video of it ;)
hey DPwolf :) i add some C4D and a nebula stock :) but i don't why i need smudge ?
nice video tS Guardians ;)
I think there is no code for that :/
when i active all Magic cards -> there only Fire x51 :( can someone help?
okay ;) hope you like it :) [IMG]
o.k i made me a new acc. and now? Acc:Tha Coder Maik XD (Tha with a xD)
:) can u do something for me? i have to o to bed now :( it's 23:40Pm in germany so can u find some (not many) tutorials for gimp (signature) maybe...
hello? can u give me the pic which ya want?
okay give me the pic
okay ;) wait soem minutes please...
yes :) i do it myself.
o.kay xD well i can't make good signatures :( i'm a looser :(