rami will it take much longer?
i'd only do it if i was really broke
true but it might be different different than normal hacking with the tools
yeah witht the tools i meant you think you got what it takes to do it?
angel didnt say it was for emu and we got the point but you didnt answer my question yeah i know he went through a lot but would the sephy code be playable too? its just another character after all
found it thanks i didnt know about that
user cp- customize profile? there no edit details there
but dark riku was ram overload too and Carey made it work well they could put like 3 attacks not all from his moveset have to be added to the code
yeah once people robbed what was inside my dads car they jammed the key lock too but those idiots only found a phone that was really old and he barely used and a couple of bucks worth of change that was layin there but we had over $240 of change under the seat and in the door that we cashed the very next day thing is that when the door is opened the lights go on so they got scarred and rushed and missed the big price lol thats really messed up and racist of them
oh wow hes tough to crack but how come? isnt he like any other character?
no problem
thanks dude
DAM! that expensive ok i'll help tomorrow i gtg
but you told me about this forums that begin with an S or something ill do it tomorrow i gotta go cuz tomorrows a skool day and its 11 50 here
no i mean that you had one planned
i thought you already had one planned i forgot the name but u told me one
wat u mean sources?
and all that was for nothin nice
obiously and we put a lot of work into the codes and i spent quite a while in the admin cp trying to make the site better
see everyones pissed! im not over reacting especially the staff that put so much work into it!