but you two ended up fighting so he ignored the rules to ban you i guess
i ididnt know that. but you too ended up fighting so that was expected
alrigh .
in his site?
personally i hate the way your friends acted a lot of heroes died that day and should always be remembered wats wrong with people these days?
later have fun and dont worry we wont
hey im back on your forums dark sage says it was a huge crash he hadnt explained that but whatelse are we suppoessed to do/believe so im back...
ok cool please PM me when its done i want to play it as soon as its out and thanks
last time did i ran out of cards >.<
cool i got roxas
cool cant wait and its ok perfection cant be rushed do your stuff first then focus on this we can wait btw is it gonna be longer than the others?
well they cant be made till Carey releases his tools
So which chacter do you think its coolest? it could be anyone that showed up on kh even disney and final fantasy but also mention the coolest 100% kh character so we know! My Favorite 100% KH Character is: Riku Favorite Game Charcter is: Leon
wait are you saying kh2 made characters or anyone who showed up in the game? like final fantasy, disney, etc and what do you mea by Cold-Hearted Form and heartless form? i guess riku though i like his dark form but he dont use it in kh2
well its alrigh while you beat it but after wards its really boring i bought it from a kid that bought it and regretted it but yeah its an opinion
are they moving? it seems like it but if i stare at one directly it dont move
dont get exited cuz i got an even rep out of it so i didnt loose anythin but i bet u did
take out ultimate alliance trust me its not worth it it sucks
yeah thats true
i think that he's like ansems guardian but then again he has a suit like riku so it could be some dude with a suit or using darkness like riku