well in the thread u just asked for a dump which i dont have i mean the codes ur workin on for kh2
even better have u finished any?
cool nice to see another coder but thats riku soul eater not wooden sword its even better! can anyone convert? are you working on any new play codes? and nice job! evilman can you add it to the first page? this is Leon with all his animations 1rst district Play as Leon (first district) 20e43edc 00e0e8c0 20e43ee0 00e0e8e0 20e77db4 00e0e8c0 20e77db8 00e0e8e0 20487320 00000000 20487324 00000000 e004fdff 004dd49c <-- R2 atk animations 1,2,3,4 21172a74 011bc1c0 21172abc 011b9040 21172ac4 011b6190 21172ae4 011c2a00 e004feff 004dd49c <-- L2 atk animations and power up 21172a74 011bc1c0 21172abc 011b9040 21172ac4 011c2a00 21172ae4 011c67d0 also to play as him in hercules cup use that code and this one: Leon Replaces Cloud in hercules cup: 10dc8d06 00003031 10dc8d08 00003033 10dc8d26 00003031 10dc8d28 00003033 and this one: Play as Cloud flying in the Hercules Cup: 20E5E464 00DC8D00 20E5E468 00DC8D20 E002FDFF 004DD49C 002C2570 00000008 002C0950 00000008 use all of those (even Leon in first district must be active) and you will play as Leon in Hercules Cup it'll work on the whole cup!
cool man i hope that you can do it!
dont animations take a bunch of lines?
an undma boss with all animations only 3 lines?
well they are talking about a possibly upcomming kh anime but theres many kh and kh2 graphic novels they can be found at "barnes and nobles" if no luck try ebay but they mainly focus on commedy rather than action
that'll take a while! how many lines would it be?
for how many bosses?
wow im impressed way to go!
yeah the hatin will never end so we just gotta deal with it. so wats this epic code u talkin about?
if she seems to like you too whats the problem? also do it trust me even if she rejects you you'll regret it more if you dont ask because you never know how it would have turned out just say it like its nothing big like: hey look im goin to the dance, you wanna go with me? and if she says yes then dont hesitate to ask her out later that night
i had a black teacher once that if ur white or hispanic she hated u im both so u can imagine me constantly gettin kicked out and failing along...
dam that low? well fit in and earn respect
then u go to a racist skool but u are kinda reacist too
wtf u talkin about? in my skool they are so hard that they get the most repect
same with everyone i earn mines but that was ****ed up
so you are look i dont give a **** about them permabannin you i never dissed u i never tried you but fine if you wanna run that game!
are you tryin me?!
dude you are not banned you are a mod!