why would you want that? there will be nothin to do there its useless unless you relocate bosses but its kinda useless there
so if you knew then why didnt you tell me when i asked you
yeah thats bsod
theres code for all of Goofys shields
thats who i meant
weird your keeping one right now
you mean bsod? black screen with music playing?
thats ho we are different i remember everything bad done to me and get payback eventually
well we havent talked since he dissed us at da kh thread but i hold grudges
ill test riku, leon, and sephy
da last think i said to you at soifon was ****ed up i was mad at kr anyways if u wanna be his friend watever
last time i tested platinum match to remember?
rebook made Cloud he made Leon, Riku, and a bunch others
didnt i test most of those already?
man i didnt know dat
yeah but i didnt even know that there was a moveset in the dump too i thought dat it was somewhere on the model i just checked again and figured...
sora seriosly u should have said: now switch to xa_xe0010 moveset no wonder i didnt get it
ugh u should have said so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and yeah hes rappin good on dat song
ohhh so u get the first 2 from the model and the last 2 lines from the moveset?
so people dont know how you got those last lines or the a from