Search Results

  1. krayzie
    Profile Post

    tell me his response

    tell me his response
    Profile Post by krayzie for Cloud of darkness, Sep 9, 2009
  2. krayzie
  3. krayzie
    Profile Post

    ok are they on?

    ok are they on?
    Profile Post by krayzie for Cloud of darkness, Sep 9, 2009
  4. krayzie
    and i just cant wait for that riku code!
    Carey if you are reading this: we appritiate you and respect you a lot
    you are an exelent hacker and hope that you release that code
    Post by: krayzie, Sep 9, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  5. krayzie
  6. krayzie
    hey wats sup
    well most people here love kingdom hearts so you'll fit in perfect
    hope you like codes and check out the code vault
    thes new "play as" codes for kh
    and have fun!
    Post by: krayzie, Sep 9, 2009 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  7. krayzie
    Profile Post

    do it

    do it
    Profile Post by krayzie for Cloud of darkness, Sep 9, 2009
  8. krayzie
    you think?
    i mean that code that Carey has can get in the game and do lots of stuff
    sephy is just another code
    a tough one to crack but a simple code in the end
    if dark riku was possible he will probably be too
    Post by: krayzie, Sep 9, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  9. krayzie