open this up and you'll see what i mean: that was taken from a dump i wont ask you to do it just want to...
well i dated this girl for 10 months and we broke up and i felt bad the first night but thats as far it went and has gone in all my relationships i dont really understand why people get all depressed and go crazy well about the khv girl you like seriously forget her (if she no longer comes on like you claim) also she could be any one or live very far from you i think that you should focus on people that live near you and well dont get too caught up in releationships and though shyness kicks in you have nothin to loose asking them out if she rejects you then she's not for you move on and get one who is interrested in you because that means you might have more in common and can fascinate each other
alright thanks i'll rep u when i can
nah but you was being a yerk fine i apologize i did it without thinking sigh derep me back
threating me bad when i posted my pic on a background and sayin that castro had a great revolution hes the reason my family in cuba is broke and...
well at least we can laugh while they are new
hey do you know how to take images from dumps?
dude they are funny who cares about all that
i hope that your not talking about mines but omg its irritating! i live in miami too if i see them ima know them out lol but seriously what a horrible band
yeah the vid has HOT girls making out i suggest you watch it on MUTE
senior baby hell yeah
lmfao wow
lmao but that fidel shit is fucked up hoe
yeah this one is Xemnas its awesome and this one is Dark Riku also awesome Cloud is the one that hasnt been released yet
aaahhhhhhh MY EARS ARE BLEEDING!!! seriously had it not been for the girls making out i'd rate it a negative 999999999999999
lmao funny vid donald i dumb
well you've already posted riku's 3d model and Xemas' model (in another thread) can you post Cloud's so we can see what its like?
um whats uni?
dam i figured its hard
hows that comming along?