muahahahaha!!! I quoted it anyway!
Geez it's a good thing no one else was there. Who knows what might've happened.
I got a Coke out of the cooler, walked back, put it down, went to the bathroom, and when I came back it wasn't a Coke. It was an orange Big K. I was really confused to say the least.
Well he was in the marines but I'm not sure if he ever fought in a war.
Well so's my grandpa but you don't hear me complaining about that! I'll have some of whatever he's smokin'.
Trigger.... Calm down. I'm just gonna give you this little pill, and then it'll all be better.
Well, I didn't really like music when I was younger but no bands in particular other then Sublime (my parents knew them) and my dad's bands.
Someday my man, someday....
Hey Trigger how many fingers am I holding up?
And it's 11:50 :sleepy: Please help. :sleepy:
It's not so bad. It has some potential if you can get some inspiration so as to branch out from the original few lines.
Operation aborted huh? Hmmm.... So that's what it says? So it has to reload the page constantly? Well is there anything wrong with your internet connection?
EraserRain got banned? When?
*robotic voice* HA you actually clicked this button.
No, my uncle owned the house before us and no one in his family was named Kevin. Unless they're trying to reach the cat :D
Awww I want one. A few years ago I was obsessed with manatees after doing a project on them for school.
Yeah that's what I'm thinking but if you have a single brain cell you wouldn't call somewhaere more then once :nonono:
The other day someone called and when I picked up the guy goes: "Hey Kevin." So I said "What?" He says "Is Kevin there?" I said "No...." Then the dude goes "Well do you know anyone named Kevin?" Again, I said no. He says "Does your mom know someone named Kevin?" I said "I don't think so." So he says "Well you're not your mom are you?" I started to think he was prank calling me. So I said "Look you've got the wrong number dude." And I hung up. The guy called like three other times too. Not on the same day, but he seems to think a guy named Kevin lives here. I can understand getting the wrong number once but c'mon.
Eh I don't know it just came to mind. My favorite was Beat because he does decent damage and is pretty fast, not to mention his gaurd and jumps were pretty reliable. I also liked Beat's card system, unlike most people, it made a lot of sense to me. My least favorite was Joshua because he was so slow and hard to control. His air attacks were almost worse because he could be easily knocked back down and the attacks did very little damage until the finisher.