Michael bay-splosions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Really? Hmmm... Paper Mario RPG huh? Ya know Paper Mario was supposed to be called Super Mario RPG 2. But it looked so much like paper they called it Paper Mario.
try this one: http://latale.ogplanet.com/main.og
I don't know I guess it's pretty cool. But I was kinda sad when they didn't decide to release Mother 64. I also really like the characters in Super Smash Bros.
Well this should be in the spamzone but regardless don't worry about it. Invite her here if you want to but if she doesn't like KH there's really no point.
Supposedly his element is nature but it seems like it's more like flowers.
Definetly Beat. I mean, what other game character can fly around smashing people in the face with a skateboard?
I think Ariel, Minnie, and Daisy should have been.
I'd like to see TWEWY and maybe emperors new groove.
A big fat zero.
Well that's not very nice is it? I might just have to tear off your skull and eat your internal organs for that.
Eh, I don't know I guess it's better then Riku being lonely for the rest of his life. Besides it kinda makes sense.
Thank ya very muchly.
That....SUCKS!!!!!!!!!! :guns: :yelling:
I'm writing a story but when I tried to keep writing the story it said it's locked or something. And I can't do anything! Not to that or any other document! Help?
Awesome. Now I won't have to make physical contact with enemies at all :D
Hmm.... Well I vever beat KH1 so that's outtta the picture... Well in KH2 probably Xaldin. He was so annoying, especially the fact that you couldn't land a hit on him hardly ever when he started getting hurt more. But I'd say the most annoying was Demyx.
Ok why not. Name of Character: Shinji (nicknamed Slash) Played By: XcatisX Appearance (NO PICTURES): About 4"10, white, wears long dark blue jeans, and a black T-shirt with a sleeveless grey hoodie, has green eyes, and cherry red hair pulled back into a ponytail. Bio: Was a happy boy who loved nothing more then to play guitar. His friends began calling him Slash, after the American guitar player, and he didn't have a care in the world. Then at his biggest show yet, he was shot by someone in the audience. Psychs: Uses a pin called "Rock on" which amplifies any sound he makes, to defeat the Noise. Reaper/Player: Player (If Player) Entry Fee: His bandmates. Age: 16 Eh?
Honestly I don't know either. I've tried and tried but it never works!!!!
Why am I blasting my music at full volume?