Jecht stood above the now waking Tidus. "Well it's about time you woke up." He said. He was standing next to him leaning on his huge sword.
Kariya took a second to check out the mail. "The gaurdian? Could that be the GM? Or just a Noise?" Kariya said. "Looks like we're walking around in the dark. We don't even know who the GM is. Let alone what he might do."
Ok, so I know you can sell pins but what about clothes and other items? My inventory is really full and I don't know how to get rid of those items. Help?
Honestly I have to agree. I believe a god is just something to latch onto when you can't handle your own problems. No god is going to "smite" the bad guys. Not that I'm trying to contradict anyone's religion but that's how I feel.
Hey cool sprites. I was thinking of doing that sorta thing myself.
"Er..." Kariya hadn't planned on her asking him. Had he been gone that long? "Well.... It's a long story...." He began.
Absolutely not. Marijuana is extremely dangerous and no one should smoke it.
I don't even know anymore. 658,928,877,124,098,103,691,and 1/2.
Cool. I like number 1 because the fading really goes with the theme. Looks good either way.
Well man, if you feel like it could work out then I'd encourage you to try. She sounds like a wonderful girl and I think you two would probably do great together. If you see her sometime just take a deep breath, walk over, and see if she wants to go to a movie or something. If she says yes then you're all set. If she says no, well then maybe you should just stay friends. Either way I support you completely. :D
Whyyyyyyyyyyy?! 1.
Awesome I can't wait. By the way when's it coming out again?
JECHT!!! I must be him!
Kariya took a second to look around. He had noticed that. He had in fact been studying it while he was away. "You're right. Maybe we should look for one of the higher-ups and ask them about it." He said.
Kariya pulled another bean paste pop out of the pouch he had and began sucking on it. "Well I suppose we find out what the others are doing first." He said.
*sigh* "Well Uzuki I'm a little short on yen to tell you the truth. Maybe another time?"
11! or is it....
Well be sure to let me know when you put them up. :D
Well, The World Ends With You (trying to get the secret reports) FFX (trying to get the hidden aeons and celestial weapons) MGS2 and 3 (trying to clear on hardest difficulties and trying not to get spotted) Megaman 2 (trying to beat Dr. Wily) Mario 2 and 3 (trying to get far at all) Mike Tysons Punch-out (trying to beat King Hippo) And probably a few others I didn't probably can't name off the top of my head.