Nice that's it's not on lined paper anymore eh? Anyhoodles looks pretty good but the face is a little bit, well, stuck in there. It looks like it was a last minute addition and it's a little small. But other then that it looks great! Awaiting your next masterpiece :P
Just had to get this out. My brother is 17 years old, a smoker, former drug dealer, been to rehab 4 times, got kicked out of two rehab centers, went to jail several times, has several tatoos, and is a total ass. He's been in so many fights with me and my parents I've lost count. He's broken walls, doors, possesions, he's stolen alchohal and other things from my parents, the list goes on. It all wouldn't all be so bad since by now he's at least stopped all the drug dealing and such. But he's just an idiot and a bully. He starts arguments over the dumbest things. Just the other day me, him, and my dad went to burger king after seeing 007 quantum of solace (which by the way is a great movie.) And I sit down and start eating and when he comes back with the sodas he says to move so he can sit there so I figure whatever so I took my burger and sauce and I start moving and he says to give back the sauce. I tell him it's mine and he starts arguing with me over it. My dad tries to break it up and so my brother starts making a huge deal out of it and as usual tries to blame me. Finally we all just shut up and I grabbed my fires which he again says are his even though I was clearly eating them. Then when my dad goes to the bathroom he starts throwing fries at me. It's not somehting I can't deal with but he acts like a 6 year old. I'm just awaiting his turning 18. He's always ruined this family. Even when he was a little kid he was always begging for attention. It's just horrible the way he can ruin our lives. He's torn our lives apart.
Of course not! If two people love each other it's only right they be together. In the long run what's a difference of a few years?
That's the Virtous Mission in a nutshell alright.
Thanks guys. I'll try and take out my anger on MGS's stupid soldiers rather then him. Although MGS4's controls are a little hard to master. Anyway, thanks.
I get everything I want for Christmas, a PS3 the games I wanted, other stuff too. It was great! Until my brother decides to be an *******. He takes the PS3 then when I tried to help he threw me against the couch and told me to shut up and called me a smartass. I tried to talk to him again and he punched me. Then he farted in my face while I was down. I talked to my parents which resulted in yelling smashing and anger. My borhter stormed out of the house and now I'm sitting here typing this and playing MGS4 venting my anger and trying to keep a happy mood. Merry Christmas to me.
It does kinda look plasticky looking at but regardless I'm just surprised they make it at all.
I didn't think the Patriot was real until I found this picture:
Favorite Main Character: Big Boss/Naked Snake from MGS3. He rocked overall. Least Favorite Main Character: Eh probably Cloud Strife *takes cover* he was really just a blond haired emo with a huge sword. Favorite Non-Main Character: Beat from TWEWY. What other game character can fly around and smash people in the face with a skateboard? Least Favorite Non-Main Character: Favorite Villain: Probably Revolver Ocelot(MGS) He was an awesome boss and an awesome character. Least Favorite Villain: Seymour from FFX. He SUCKED!
Hmm well if you like things like Maplestory I'd suggest you go to (the english site) and try LaTale. It's pretty fun and there's lots to do.
Yeah but any thread with over 5000 gets locked cause it takes up way to much space and can cause problems to the forum. 58732961578436981756342861532871658732651987 3/8.
Definetly Stewie. He has so many funny lines it's hard not to laugh.
Eh it's not my favorite show. I loved it when I was younger but I've stopped watching it.
Hmmm either FF7 or pokemon red. I can't remember.
As Jecht was practicing he saw a blond swordsman walking in his direction
Kariya brought Uzuki to a nearby bench and sat them both down. He took a deep breath. "Well... It began when we were together a week ago. Everything may have seemed fine but I needed to know who or what the Composer was. I searched every square inch of Shibuya until I found the river. I knew I couldn't tell you because you would blab on and on about points, and players, and duties, and such. So I left on my own. I fought my way through a wave of Taboo Noise in the River until I got to the Dead God's Pad. When I got there I saw a door leading to the Composer, but Kitanji struck me down and said I shouldn't have come there, and wasn't fit to even set eyes on the Composer... That he was... On a whole different plain then us... This... Must be my punishment..."
I hate hating haters that hate haters who hate. And my brother.
Wow... It looks really good, The colors in the backround fuse well together and the character on the front looks good with the colors too. 2D huh? Weird name but overall I see HUGE potential.
lol she looks really funny. But cool.
Jecht awoke after a nightmare he had. It was still daylight and it probably hadn't been very long. He figured he'd go out and train for a while. He walked over to a plant and wove it's leaves into a ball. He then began practicing his Jecht shot. Or as he called it: The Magnificenly Sublime Jecht Shot Mark 2. He hadn't played Blitzball in a long time....