It' s weird, neither my sisters nor I had any "doudou" (French for the piece of clothe/plushie some kids carry around everywhere they go, usually ends up looking like a bacteria paradise). I mean we had plushies, but they were just toys to us. The more I think about it the more I think it might explain why I have no emotional need for a God either. But here' s the weirder thing :
I doubt you got it on KHV, or just by visiting any other website for that matter. You probably installed it without realizing it.
So ... did you like it ? Its score on Rotten Tomatoes doesn' t look that bad to me, for all it' s worth, but on that other forum I use there' s like one guy who liked it, everyone else said it' s a snoozer. From what I' ve gathered it piles up scientific explanations for three hours but ... throws all of it away in the finale (spiritual woo twist I presume), and its characters are poodle-deep Spielberg archetypes.
We don' t have those either. Not sure whether you' re supposed to eat them layer after layer or just gobble 'em up.
What does Mountain Dew even taste like btw, bubbly lemonade ? It' s not sold here.
Or that he' s not wearing colored contact lenses ?
I think I' d lose my freaking mind. ^^ A couple kids I can deal with. An army of them ? No way ... My parents sent us to summer camp when we were kids, one of the guys in charge snapped at me once. I just wanted to ask him a question, but as soon as I opened my mouth he grabbed a sharp tool and screamed I SWEAR IF YOU DON' T LEAVE ME THE **** ALONE I' LL POKE YOUR EYES OUT !!! I guess it' s a good thing I didn' t believe him, he could have traumatized me. xD My dad isn' t exactly patient with kids either, I understood now just wasn' t the right time.
From what I' ve read it was about choosing a figure head for a kids playground. The city council rejected Pooh' s candidacy on the grounds you already mentioned, arguing their own local bear character was entirely dressed. While they could be spewing bullshit just to favor a local character, Poland is one of the nine European countries who, to this day, don' t recognize any sort of civil union for same sex couples.
Penis-sized nipples for me. I' ve seen nipple-sized penises already, not interested. Mine is fine the way it is, thanks. Nipples on the other hand, the bigger they are the more nerve endings they have, right ? Plus I' m curious to see what that even looks like.
I' m just not sure why you both jumped from Randy Savage to Spiderman. Was that dude in Spiderman Randy Savage ?
My spider sense is tingling but ... what the hell does that have to do with Randy Savage ?
Now that you mention it, I' ve never been instructed to say anything in particular. I did say merry Christmas to everyone, but only on Christmas eve. The shop was never opened on Christmas day, though every year without fail we' d get calls from lonely old folks asking us if we would be. That was a bit depressing. Never heard anyone complain about the French word for Christmas so far, but then in spite of its christian roots it' s more evocative of Santa.
It tastes salty. Because it' s not pure either : sweat is diluted urine, sort of. Bon appétit !
Jesus Christ ! That grandpa is one of the creepiest things I' ve ever seen. xD
I' ve been there, I wish I had a miracle answer. I moved a thousand kilometers away from home (12 hours at least by train). While I' m not socially inept I tend to stay in my bubble too, especially around people I don' t know much. I need them to grow on me first. I kept tabs with a few friends back home though. Weekends were out of the question but I came back every holiday. At least I did at first, my best friend died shortly after I left and the whole group kinda crumbled after that. I still rarely bump into them but that' s all it is, bumping. I had another good friend outside of that group, he phoned me every now and then and even came to spend a few days at my place once. He moved away too, I guess that' s why he didn' t forget me. That and his unlimited phone pass, that helped. When I started working I ended up two hours away from his place and drove there once every month. Unfortunately that friendship turned sour two years ago, he kinda forced me to burn every bridge. I have socialized with locals but they are/were more pals than friends, if you see what I mean. Can' t build a ten years long friendship overnight. You should tell your friends you' re nearing the snapping point and could really use a little pick me up. I did and it didn' t fall into deaf ears. Just because I ended up losing everyone doesn' t mean you will, my mum didn' t.
Yeah but we weren' t all given 20/20 grades. In practice it wasn' t an exercise in giving your genuine input (mine often being the curtains were ****ing blue type, don' t know, don' t care), it was an exercise in catering to your teacher' s views. Never been big on sycophancy. Besides my teacher was encouraging me, I persevered and my grades were gradually picking up, but in the semester bill he sent to my parents his comment was "spent all semester with his fingers stuck up his ass". I' ll let you guess how quickly I stopped listening to anything he had to say. My grades in philosophy were much better though. Read the gist of it yesterday on a philosophical website. Yes, I don' t assume you sell movie tickets for the sake of selling movie tickets. We objectify people all day long, even ourselves. We are objects. As far as I can tell it only becomes a problem when you ignore consent, but I don' t expect the lady on that shirt to ever talk. Err ... it ' s TV ? Surely you' ve seen much worse during the commercials, no ? I' m not sure what to say except that French TV has fewer brooms up its ass. And by the way, I remember fondly watching this movie on TV when I was a kid, numerous times : Spoiler Personally I wouldn' t wear that ... shirt ... thing ... anywhere. Not given the choice. Again, if they can make that kind of hasty judgement based on that shirt alone, I' m not sure they' d rock at science. No clue what you' re talking about regarding STEM fields discrimination, but if there' s something to it that sounds like a much more serious contention. Scientists are usually portrayed as a bunch of all farts who barely know what fun means, in a sense that guy is refreshing.
I remember fondly playing Tetris for hours with my best friend. It was funnier on the GB since you couldn' t see your opponent' screen. My dad played the **** out of it too. Quite literally : he' s kept a game and watch Tetris in "his" toilets for years (tmi ? xD). My favorite theme was the nutcracker though. I' ve played one of the original Pokemon but didn' t get into it. A few Squaresoft games aside I mostly remember Nintendo games, Zelda being hands down at the top of my list.
I' m familiar with the death of the author theory. Not every interpretation is equally valid, some are demonstrably wrong. That picture isn' t saying the author never means anything by his/her details, it' s merely asking the teacher how the **** would he know. But maybe we should ask its author to make sure. xD Okay I digress, the point was that these interpretations are rarely objectively true, in the empirical sense, and I like to keep that in mind. Don' t worry, I' m not deprived of imagination. I consume a lot of entertainment and I love, say, to explore Silent Hill and let its abstract art send sparks all over my brain. Is that guy just a desperately horny dude ? It is a possibility, and I do see why you would think it' s the most likely in the US, but I just put my finger on where we differ exactly : if he was a horny dude I wouldn' t have a problem with it. If having objectifying fantasies is wrong then color me guilty (and on a side note, is there a non objectifying kind ?). I didn' t choose my fantasies and am not ashamed of them. I would be totally grossed out if I was to transpose some of them into reality, but I didn' t see anything on that shirt proving this dude can' t separate those two. That' s why I don' t mind porn. I do have a problem with the industry as it functions right now, but there are ways to go about it I' d be 100% fine with. If memory serves you however do mind porn. I did give you the context : a nerd invited on TV to brag about scientific achievements his shirt has jack **** to do with. Whenever it comes to science all I care about is the substance, whatever form it happened to come in is utterly anecdotal to me.