I won' t bother watching the movie again to list everything they did wrong, but they share their load of guilt. At least the "family values" representatives were passionate scientists themselves, I can give you that.
Not that I know of, but I' m not familiar with the whole extended universe. Either way it would be totally possible to make one.
I knew that, but my nerd mode is on. ^^ Let me try again : tell him to his face.
Eucalyptus candies might be easier to find than your usual treatment. Not sure it would fix it but it can' t hurt. They' re supposed to build their lightsabers themselves. Not exactly sold at the nearest convenience store.
I like that last shot : interesting camera angles and no lens flare.
Meanwhile, hottest October and November ever registered here. Which is still cold, but not snow cold. Snowless years are rare in my area but I' d be really, really surprised to see any snow where I' ll spend Christmas (near the beach, right above the Spanish border).
I totally get it. Zs proud as I am of my English skills it' s hard for me to understand English songs without looking at written lyrics. And I...
Oh it is undoubtedly your training, makes a big difference to be prepared for it. I wouldn' t call it dumb if you actually know what you' re doing/ actually have a fair chance to help. Really ? We all learn that in school here. You should ask someone to teach you, it really doesn' t take that long. In the meantime : - If the water is very cold you have to wet your neck before you jump in, otherwise you might die of a syncope. - If you lay on your back as if you were laying in your bed you' ll float. You can' t drown in that position. - From there all you have to do to move around (towards the direction pointed by your head) is to move your legs as if you were trying to walk. Making frogg-style moves is even more efficient (pull your feet towards your ass as if you wanted to crouch then push as fast as you can, as if you were trying to jump as high as you can). - Grab the person and put his/her head on your shoulder so that it stays out of the water. - Keep moving using your legs as before (now that the person is on top you might have trouble keeping your nose out of the water if you don' t). Of course if the person is already underwater you' ll have to actually know how to swim.
Oh lol ! Not that bad actually ! xD You do mispronounce words here and there, but not to the point that a native wouldn' t put it together (except for the last sentence).
Totally agree, you can' t predict how you' d react until you actually live it. At all. I' ve seen a couple having a vocal argument in a train station once. When I saw the guy pull out a knife from his pocket time suddenly stood still. I wasn' t the only one to notice, everyone was frozen, you could have heard a fly fart. It' s not that I didn' t want to move, I just couldn' t, my brain was too busy trying to catch a coherent thought. Thankfully the guy noticed, put the knife back in his pocket and went away. As much as you' d like to believe you wouldn' t be the useless bystander, when instincts kick in you' re not the pilot anymore. Besides, courage is a tad more complicated than you make it sound. My great grand-father was a leader in the resistance during WW2. A big part of his job was to explain to the newest recruits that no, charging guns-a-blazing won' t help anyone. The Nazis weren' t the kind who' d just put a bullet in your head, if you got caught in your "heroic" (more like moronic) charge they' d go after every known family and friend of yours. Don' t have any ? Rest assured the community at large will pay the price somehow. Think you won' t talk under torture ? Right, think again. It' s all well and good to be willing to help, but you have to know when and where to strike. Courage alone won' t make a powerless situation any less powerless.
I forgot to articulate what truly annoyed me with the story of the first Jurassic Park : it' s one more of those movies Hollywood loves to churn out opposing traditional values to scientific progress. Somehow all those super smart scientists turn out to be bumbling buffoons whenever it comes to the simplest measures of security. It was exactly the same in Beginning Of The Planet Of The Apes (though at least Caesar was interesting), and the list is endless. Yay obscurantism ! I know, I know, if they don' t screw up you don' t get your catastrophe movie.
Happy bLeuUuURGH ! Spoiler [
Yeah, they already announced a couple new IPs a while back (must be two years now), even showed concept arts and all, never to be talked again. Huh. I doubt they' d make the VsXIII mistake twice and announce FFXVI before FFXV is even finished. Not to mention it doesn' t need to be announced, we all know it' s ****ing coming. Having them bring back old IPs is something I equally want and dread to see. I' ve never told you I love the way your avy farts his name, have I ? xD
Standing right there. xD Not sure how long it will take for them to release it worldwide, but in the meantime I bet I' ll harass youtube to find a lame-ass screener version.
From where I stand you don' t live in a democracy anymore, you live in an oligarchy. I guess the same could be said of any democracy, to some extent, but it' s particularly blatant in yours. While choosing between dems and reps isn' t entirely irrelevant, it is on many issues. Take gun control for instance, a few days ago I saw people on this very site complain about America' s apathy on the matter. It' not true, they' re not apathetic, when polled the vast majority of Americans call for stricter gun regulations. Doesn' t matter who you voted for though, as long as the NRA (among other entities) is allowed to openly bribe congress, not gonna have it. Not unless you' re somehow both willing and able to throw more money at the issue than them. As for how you could fix that, well, I haven' t really looked into it since this isn' t my country to begin with, but you might want to google WolfPAC.
Oh sure, the sequels were actually dreadful in that area. It was serviceable I guess, but the themes it dealt with had so much more potential than that.
Jurassic Park is the oldest CGI movie I can think of who managed to cross the uncanny valley. Its CGI shots haven' t wrinkled much, it' s the practical effects that stick like a sore thumb. Few CGI heavy movies released the same year can say the same (if any). Don' t take me wrong, I love practical effects done right, but it' s all about using the right tool at the right time. That being said I' m not particularly looking forward to that movie. The only part of the first movie that was appealing to me was its CGI tour de force, its story and characters were rather vapid. Now that the wow factor is gone (the sequels made it painfully obvious) you' d have to cook up an actual plot to save that sinking ship. Huge horror movie potential, but I expect them to stick to PG 13 family junk.
Whenever I play Tekken I position my right hand in a way allowing me to push the buttons as if I was playing it on the arcade. That way I can use both my index and my middle finger instead of just the thumb. It' s quite useful in that game considering how frequently you have to push two buttons at the same time. People who see me do that are usually stumped. I often smoke or eat while playing anyway so I' ve learned to use controllers in creative ways. Back when I helped my parents at their job (they' re opticians) I used my fingers to grab and manipulate those tiny glasses screws. It' s super annoying, but using the special pincer holders seemed even more dreadful to me. It puzzled my dad to no end.
You' re welcome. That game definitely bleep ..................bleep.............bleep........bleep....bleep..bleep bleep bleep bleep bleeps on my radar.