Lol, the guys on my usual FF forum are going berserk. xD I' m not sure why anyone in his right mind would think it was a good idea to introduce such a whatever non news in such a flashy manner, drums and all. It' s like they' re asking for it or something. SE : GUYS ! GUYS ! LOOK ! WE HAVE SOMETHING NEW AND AWESOME ! HERE, THE TRAILER IS STARTING, HAVE SOME FF7 LOGO AND ... FF FAN : ... AND SOME FF7 MUSIC !!!!!!!!! JEEZ !!!!!! I CAN' T WAIT THIS SUSPENSE IS KILLING COME ON HURRY UP WHAT' S IT GONNA ... oh. -_- SE : YES ! YES ! HIT ME ! HIT ME !!! HARDER ! HARDER ! I LOVE IT WHEN YOU TALK NAUGHTY !
That would be one of the things I had in mind, but I meant it in a broader way. Not everyone can wear the kiddie kitch mantle as proudly. It' s...
Reminds me I should check if the hospitals in my area accept book donations for Christmas, I missed their window last year.
I' m not sure which engine is intrinsically better for that, but judging from what they say Unreal 4' s biggest appeal is its vastly superior tech support. Makes sense considering its huge feedback pool, Luminous hasn' t even churned out a single game yet.
She' s shameless. xD Forgot to post that one too. Disney, you' ve changed ...
Never meant to imply otherwise. Dudeism is cool in my book. One of my childhood friends started dating her 30+ years old gym teacher when she was 18. They' re still together, they have two daugthers.
Wait, when would that be ? Around next Christmas I assume ? Haven' t seen anything new ever since its E3 reveal.
Deal ! xD
I can stoop low too. ^^
Well I might be remembering it backwards, it wasn' t exactly an extensive conversation.
Oh and thanks for the links.
No, more from what I' ve heard, but I' d rather make up my own mind about it. On second thought I' ll probably end up downloading it : the...
Nope. From what I' ve heard the original V was much more of an anarchist, and much more ambiguous. Not sure how long/pricey a read it is, but...
It' s about power. Black and powerless just happen to overlap a lot.
I already mentioned V For Vendetta in that other thread when I posted the news, but I think it' s worth quoting again : Now you know peeps. Your move.
Nah it' s just you actually.
Well that settles his father' s identity then, doesn' t it ? Cute pic lol.
Aaaaand one more. As someone pointed out in the comment section on second thought Obama might want to keep his costly cameras, it seems proofs are useless for now.
My sides, they hurt ...
They' ve built four freaking movies out of Pirates of the Caribbeans. xD I took that ride before the movies were a thing, as far as I remember the only thing they had in common was pirates, pirates everywhere. And maybe one of the bad guys, I'm not sure. There' s no Tomorrow Land in Disneyland Paris though, the section that has Star Tours in it is called Discovery Land. Weren' t Greek demi-gods supposed to have super strength and stuff ? Theseus looked pretty normal in the version I' ve read (it was a modern version though). Badass, but normal. The Star Wars EU was already all over the place and self-contradicting, though it was pretty consistent at first (that' s how I knew that Anakin' s fall would involve lava and what the cloning machines would look like before the prequels were even announced). Han Solo is the snappy snarker, having him back is reason enough for me to shut up and throw my money. ^^ What was also reassuring in what few I could spot in the teaser is that apparently it won' t overuse CGI like Lucas did. One of the guys I went to watch The Phantom Menace with told me he already had the idea to stick two lightsabers together while playing the Star Wars tabletop RPG. The old trilogy fight choreography was based on fencing. Doesn' t exactly look impressive, but it' s definitely deadly. Their modern fight style on the other hand ... All show and no substance. Not that I mind. xD