I haven' t tried that game, but I noticed fighting against the computer can be very frustrating in some fighting games, regardless of your mastery of the character. Humans rely on patterns, no matter how many combos and techniques they' ve learned. Watch them long enough and you' ll be able to read them. Computers on the other hand have randomized and/or counter-intuitive AIs. Feels closer to playing rock paper scissors, which gets old real quick.
I think that was the whole point : they don' t know who they are and the second they think they do they second guess their persona' s origins. Have you watched the sequel too ? I thought it was just as good. I liked Metropolis but to be honest I' ve forgotten most of it.
Legend says Mamoru Oshii was livid when he saw the Matrix. Gee I wonder why. ^^ What few I' ve read of the manga was an even bigger headache, but it often had its head way up its own ass (when it wasn' t too busy showing you one). I liked Avalon too, in spite of its neurasthenic pace.
Oh, so that' s what you call yourself these days ? Happy birthday ! I wasn' t even sure you were still around, I suck big time at following who' s who. You' re the third person I finally recognized this week. xD
Screaming "hey dumbass !" in the street. Everyone turns around.
I wish I could stick to the French news lately, but I can' t help looking at yours. I expect nothing and I' m still let down.
Wait ... when they said "console" I thought it implied "not a handheld". Guess not.
Same here. Not that I' m rich, I barely get by, but when I want something I can get it on my own. Same for my sisters. Most years we' re broke, we only pick something for each other if a) we can afford it and b) we know for a fact it will be appreciated. No random present for the sake of it. My parents are quite wealthy though so they do bother picking something every year, even when they clearly have no clue whatsoever what to pick. Last year I got artisanal tea, most years I get a sweater. Anyway, my mum is a killer cook, her Christmas meals are enough for me.
The top 5 untranslated manga list I mentioned was written by a guy who worked for Viz, he said what Viz translated was actually the sequel to the original manga. Oh, and just in case, I found this too :
The first link I clicked had 24 chapters, last upload was on Sep 22 2014. There' s 21 volumes total though which I assume roughly amounts to 210 chapters. I also found it in a top 5 untranslated manga list. I can' t find full French scans or dubs either, I assume its copyrights holders are anal retentive about it. Pretty sure the whole series (animated or not) can easily be bought in French though.
I noticed. I thought it was weird but I assumed it was deliberate, for spoiler reasons or something.
I' ve often wondered, is acting in a play something every single student in the US has to go through at some point ? Or is it just a theater club thing ?
I saw the peeps on my usual FF forum loosing their **** over this. I think they' re assuming SE will add stuff to try and make those who bought the PS3 version want to buy it again. I' m more inclined to expect a mere copypaste.
Try watching this one, it should supress the urge.
Lil sis I presume ? Parents always drop the ball with their youngest. I was the elder (and the boy), I picked up all the slack.
Well, when I said it killed her career ... not quite ! She faded from the spotlights for a long while because the parents were the ones holding...
Please be excite ?