Only mecha anime I remember watching (Grendizer aside) : Nothing spectacular or mindblowing, no great subtext (if any), just decent entertainment.
I barely read books nowadays, I don' t remember reading any book since The Deathly Hallows got released. The one book I bought last year was Stephen King' s Doctor Sleep, the sequel to The Shining. The real deal, not a translation. I haven' t finished it yet (I bought it late December), I' m just a quarter in but so far so good.
Yup. Now that you mention it I' ve never seen that idiom in English. That' d be a literal translation of the French term for it, digital cross vs analog stick.
My grudge with the 360 controllers is their digital cross : the cheap, nearly useless kind, the one that keeps confusing right for up or down. And Microsoft used the same button color scheme as Sony but they jumbled the colors around. I didn' t use them long enough to get accustomed so QTEs were my nightmare. As for the N64 its analog stick was a bit imprecise (because it stuck out of a weird hexagon instead of a circle) and slippy as hell (it was impossible for me to run in the same direction for a long time, the stick would eventually slip from under my thumb). I didn' t have any trouble holding either of them though, I don' t give a crap about symmetry. And once I got accustomed to it the Gamecube pad felt comfy as slippers to me. But all of that is nitpicking really. The only controller whose guts I ****ing hate is the Wiimote. The buttons size, their locations, the blithering motion tracker, I' m genuinely amazed I didn' t hear people ***** about it en masse. It' s like that thing was designed to annoy me specifically or something.
I did it using sake and a lighter. A Vietnamese friend showed me how to do it, but I don' t remember which color the flame was. Maybe with the right alcohol/quantity ...
I don' t know the first thing about the German language, but from what I gathered (coupling google translate and wikipedia) the use of "das" or "die", in the case of Nutella, is essentially a regional thing in Germany. Apparently there' s no consensus, so I' d say just pick the one you feel most comfortable with. Tailoring your speech patterns as you see fit is part of the fun of learning a foreign language. Practice makes perfect, not dictionaries, can' t let the fear to sound weird or nonacademic get in the way more than it should. On a side note, Nutella is considered to be a masculine word in French ("le" Nutella).
^ This. I played it with my huge headset, the one that engulfs my ears wholy. Sometimes the sound alone was so unbearable I didn' t want to go anywhere near its source, even though I was 100% aware it was just a game and my character probably wasn' t facing any kind of dire consequence, jump scares aside. One of those jump scares even managed to make me loose grip of the controller, that' s how nervous that game made me. In short, impressive immersion. I wanted to bring my PS4 for Christmas and have random members of my family try P.T. in a dark room (I got a sadistic impulse to watch other people play it, and possibly scream xD), but my PS4 is brand new and I didn' t want to risk making it endure the rough ride. I settled for my PS3 and the Stick Of Truth instead. Got a good laugh watching my 10 years old cousin being called douchebag whether he liked it or not. Also got a laugh from his parents when they heard me translate.
Glad to see even a native can get these wrong. xD Mine was "nothing' s like before". I kept hearing "nothing' s like people" ... but I knew that didn' t make a lick of sense.
Huh ?!? Oh, I get it, you saw me mention Edith, the one with a kid. My other sis, Agnes, is bi. She' s been called a tomboy for as far as I can...
My "brother in law" skipped the diamond ring. And marriage altogether. Even though my sis is a huge sucker for all of that. He went straight for the house and the kid. I' m not sure how he pulled it out (and not sure I want to ask xD), but I can' t help applauding.
I have a hard time believing the movie will never ever be released. Too much free buzz going on right there.
I' m at a loss as to why anyone buy them period. Biggest scam ever. What I do wonder is why the hell brown sugar is pricier than white sugar. It' s cheaper to make and tastier so WTF ?
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
If they do that they' d better make DDD available separately, otherwise they' d be begging for outrage. Don' t tell me they had no idea this was coming, I' m not buying that for a second (nor will I buy the exact same set of games twice in a year). But then all the Final Mixes were Final Planned Obsolescence In Your Asses in the first place, so I wouldn' t put it past them.
Now that you' ve reached Gongaga you can farm str+ items and max the strength of all your characters up to 255 if you wish. It makes equipping better weapons utterly obsolete (granted it breaks the game). See those weird rhino-tanks or whatever they are ? Deliver the killing blow on them using the trans materia.
I never got the hang of it either, but if memory serves it' s a waste of time (none of the prizes are unique or really worth the trouble). Save your frustration for the golden saucer.
Came from one of my IT teachers, make of it what you will.
Reminds me of that infamous chicken glitch in Tales Of Phantasia. Worst troll ever. xD As far as I know all my PSOne games still work ... but both of my PSOnes are wrecked. Half of my games are US versions so my PS3 won' t read them. I' ve been told CDs are meant to last 50 years tops (that is if you leave them in their box and never ever touch them). Ah well, I got most of them back on the PSN.
Oh crap, try these then :
In case you never bother giving the movie a second chance, nor manage to contact your philosophy teacher, you might want to give this a watch : Spoiler Which is pretty much the conclusion I reached myself (not just about what I think the movie is saying, but about the human condition as well). That movie requires more knowledge in biology than in techno-babble. The kind that can hardly be summarized in 20-30 mins.