Oh, okay. The manga got released way after the anime here, but in Japan it was the other way around. At the point where I expected the manga to jump from DB to DBZ there was just a picture of Toriyama (well, the lil robot he often used as an avy) saying "pss, this isn' t over, turn the page and you' ll see !" Not sure what that was all about, I' m wondering if he initially expected to end the series there or something.
Wait what ? When ? I bought a Japanese manga way back when (volume 40), I couldn' t decipher a single kanji on its cover but the English title just said Dragon Ball.
It' s Zed in French and Catalan. Very weird choice for a Frenchman, since calling a series a "z" series means it' s cheap or lame or both. Does anyone know what that z is even doing there anyway ? I mean the manga didn' t change its name mid-course, so why did the anime ?
Probably a fan theory I read, white claudia doesn' t bring up much info in the wiki. Still, knowing that hallucinogenic plants abundantly grow all around the town does seem to explain a lot. ^^ Wasn' t there another memo mentioning a lot of people drowned at once in the lake at an earlier date ? Or that a lot of bodies got disposed there, or something like that ?
I thought the fog was a side effect of having all that white claudia growing around (the psychedelic plant used to make aglaophotis). I assumed the fog had been there for as long as the plant had, so probably for quite a while. Not sure about the monsters though but ... My memory is blurry on that one, what was the story again ? Someone drowned, correct ? I thought the story kinda implied under water monsters might have been involved. From what I' ve read of the lore (quite a few years ago) native Americans didn' t turn the place into a spiritual hotspot, it already was. It' s just that the more tragedies happen at the same place the more of a hotspot it becomes. As for the nature of "unreality" I think that label is ill-deserved. It' s not about what' s real versus what' s not, it' s about a shared, common, perception (i.e. what we call " objective reality") versus subjective perception (you' re enslaved to your or someone else' s mad, twisted perception). So in short SH is about "sanity" versus "madness", but both are real.
I caught it on TV and left it on while eating at my grandma a few weeks ago. Around the part where he just loses his ****. I broke the story down to her. She found it confusing and kept calling it stupid, but those scenes made her laugh her ass out nonetheless.
The sake I' ve had was the cheap stuff, so yeah, the lighter fluid kind. I' m told the real deal is lighter, much closer to water. Never heard of creamy sake though. Same goes for whiskey (and for pretty much any alcohol as well I assume), the only whiskey whose taste I actually enjoy is the pricey old kind.
Now becomes the past in an instant - and everyone will eventually die ! Destiny triumphs over human knowledge and goes mad ! That is the way of things ! I spit upon this frail, crazed, world ! I spit upon the Second Law of Thermodynamics !
Spoiler You can max all stats in the long run. Time is a factor to get the best rewards so the farther you can hit physically the better. Besides Machina is often unavailable. I mained Ace, he' s got the longest reach and his close-ranged attacks hit hard and fast.
Spoiler Is that why Machina is your favorite ? Because gameplay-wise I didn' t bother with him and wouldn' t advise anyone to.
If she can fire you, deal with it or cliff. Otherwise, speak up ?
How about cliffs ? What kind of obnoxious are we talking about ?
So ... let me get this straight, you expected her to cut your hairs without cutting them ? Me to any hair cutter ever : "Just make it shorter." To any additional question : "I'll let you choose."
Pretty sure it' s business as usual for them. What' s ridiculous is that, as far as I can tell, no one ever tried to put an end to this farce. Even effing Obama often pretends they' re onto something when they spit one of their spins at him, pushing their deluded audience further into la la land. Why the hell does he keep doing that ? No seriously, why would anyone put up with such an embarrassment for so long ? France has been one of their favorite targets for over a decade now. In case you didn' t hear, the city of Paris is about to sue them for defamation/libel. Which is a bit ridiculous and all sorts of awesome at the same time if you ask me. If you won' t clean up your own house ... let' s see if we can do something about it.
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/01/15/pope-francis-charlie-hebdo_n_6478104.html Oh wow, what happened to turn the other cheek ? But hey, if even the Pope does it, who the hell am I to disagree ...
While I' m inclined to believe it is indeed related to Xehanort (I mean hello, anagrams), I wouldn' t be surprised if some higher power/puppeteer did reveal itself eventually. I assume the bonus scene in Re:Coded HD was foreshadowing something like that : Spoiler In that scene Young Xehanort claims his keyblade to be the oldest keyblade around, as in ancient. Which would imply Xehanort is neither its only nor its original wielder. WHO KNOWS IT MIGHT VERY WELL BE FUCKING EINSTEIN !!!
I' m fine thanks, at least physically (can' t deny I' m mightily pissed off), and I didn' t know any of the victims. At least not personally. I...
I ... think you're allergic to religions institutions and/or dogmas rather than religion itself. I mean you do believe in God, can' t get more religious than that. As an atheist I don' t bother with the no true Scotsman fallacies many religious people throw around to dissociate themselves from extremists. But never mind any of that, I understood what you meant anyway. Pretty sure protection from abuse would trump freedom of religion in court. At least it would in my country. I' ve heard some of your states are a-okay with letting some kids die just because their parents held the religious belief that medicines are bad. Feel free to pick your lunacy, I really don't give a flying **** about it, but the second your beliefs are a) harming other people and b) factually wrong then yes, your beliefs should and will be utterly dismissed. Not that authoritarian approaches to education are specific to religion mind you. Nor embraced by every believer. While I do believe you can't raise kids without getting a little physical every now and then (unless you made it your full time job and/or are insanely rich) I' d try to keep it to a minimum. That being said, one of my friends lost his parents when he was around ten and was raised quite erm ... militarily from there on. He told me he' s actually thankful for that, because back then it was indeed the one and only way to get him to behave. I' m not sure I' m buying that last part, but heh, his words, not mine.