Clearly. You know, I' ve always had disastrous grades in literature. It kept bringing my bullshit detector in the red. Spoiler What I think about that shirt is that people are authoritatively putting an awful lot of things in its mouth. Which is quite a feat considering it doesn' t have any. That also explains why I' m allergic to Anita Sarkeesian. No really ? I can' t help but notice you haven' t answered my question. I simply do not care one bit why he chose that shirt. If being a topless woman does not a **** make then wearing that shirt does not a misogynist make. Just trying to be consistent. I' m still confused as to why you mind that shirt exactly.
Riddle me this, would you be mad about it had the shirt displayed topless men (as in actually topless) ? This dude is a scientist, his "job" that day was to brag on TV, I' d wager that was the equivalent of a field trip to that giant nerd. Look at his arms, see those tatoos ? They' re usually frowned upon in the work environment too. That is if your job relies on human interactions and your boss decided that was reason enough to objectify you, but scientists are in the facts business. The truth doesn' t need any lipstick. If you judge books by their covers and/or scream and giggle when you see pee pee parts then science is definitely not for you.
I guess you either haven' t met them or have extremely sophisticated standards. I for instance am often complimented on my clothes. I have no interest whatsoever in fashion, buy my clothes so blindingly fast I barely try them, if at all, no really, I put zero effort in my looks. I just happen to know what I do or don' t want as soon as I see it. I wash, I comb, I shave, but that' s about it, I hardly think I deserve a medal for this. I can also eat whatever the **** I want without fear of gaining weight, it' s rarer for women but it' s not unheard of. While I don' t exactly picture myself as a walking wet dream, apparently some people do. I' ve met many girls who are the same. Yes, they still have to wash and comb and shave, but once that' s out of the way they' re gorgeous as is. Yeah ? One of those is spam. Gee I wonder why not everybody likes that. Question is, if you do believe making an effort to embellish things is laudable, then why the hell would you dress your compliment in a way that spits in the face of poetry ?
Some girls just wake up pretty really, they' re not doing anything special about it. There already are. Put flowers around it, crack a joke, make it an actual conversation and just bow out if she' s not interested. Basically don' t be a drooling alphamoron about it, I' m not sure it requires lengthy explanations.
Oh America ... This is embarassing. I hope he apologized to get people to move the **** on, not because he thought it was called for.
A good friend of mine had their albums, my sis has them too. My other sis and her hubby saw them live. I mainly know the album that had Plug In Baby (probably my favorite of theirs) and the singles they threw at TV after that. They' re right up here with Placebo, hardly underground (at least here). I also love that one, it was used quite efficiently in a French horror movie, Haute Tension (High Tension) :
Lol, it' s actually true. Ever wondered why space is black but the sky is blue ? Because air is blue, but we don' t notice unless there' s a lot of it. As for tracking its movements in particular it' s just like with water : put stuff in it, it helps.
I spent my childhood in a town that is a 20 minutes ride away from the beach. It' s also a hour drive away from the Pyrenees (ski stations palooza) and Spain (moar beaches and stuff). Temperature-wise it' s on the hot side (almost always gets the highest temperatures on the map), though it' s very windy. I don' t miss beaches, nor snow (got even more of it where I live now), but goddamn I miss skying !
No, but the paychecks of the people they' ve been forced not to fire would. If I had to like my boss to work somewhere I wouldn' t have worked much. People are hired to take care of a precise task, how poorly you performed that task should be the only thing that can get you fired because it' s the only relevant one. Sure, in practice there are lots of ways to get around it and fire people for who they are anyway, I' m still glad that my country does not recognize bigotry as a valid reason to fire people.
It stumped me at first, I didn' t expect Alfred to be that morally gray. But then I thought about it and figured it would actually explain a lot if all of his objections were just a way to make sure Bruce thought it through, not actual objections.
It' s uncanny how often I didn' t have a word for what they described, but heh, here are my results. One of my English teachers asked me if I had been to (sorry, don' t remember which area that was) the first time he heard me speak in English, he thought my accent was a match. Edit : Guess their links are a total mess. Apparently New York and Penbroke Pine/Miami were my closest match, Michigan was the least likely.
I' m starting to dig this show, its plot picked up significantly in the last couple episodes. As opposed to The Flash, which so far (episode 4 for me) is a freak of the week show. It' s starting to be a major snoozer for me, if they keep its overarching plot as slow and predictable as it is right now I' ll drop it in a ... heartbeat. A character I know next to nothing about shouldn' t bore me as much as Lois and Clark did. On the other hand few people haven' t heard any Batman origin story, but the 20 years hiatus that turned that confused orphaned boy into a psychopathic vigilante somehow ? Dunno if that story has been told before, but either way it' s news to me. Granted, so far Bruce Wayne has popped up a lot more often than the plot actually called for it, but it doesn' t bug me and hopefuly won' t stay that way.
Oh don' t take me wrong, I do realize how obsolete your laws are in the face of that kind of behavior. If that happened to me I' d be positively livid. I say your laws because Europe recently passed laws for the right to anonymity. For instance if google keeps popping up an article casting your name in a poor light, years after the facts, you can ask for it to be taken down. I' m a bit iffy on the details though, I' m not sure when it does or doesn' t apply and I don' t remember whether they simply ask google to stop linking to the page in question, have your name be blurred out or outright take the page down.
From what I' ve heard that kid happens to be fine with it. And while it would be polite to ask permission, legally speaking it' s not required. Not in that case (though the internet obviously didn' t exist when those laws got written the way they were). I got filmed by a TV crew back when I worked in retail. In that case they were supposed to ask for my consent but they didn' t. I guess it' s simpler for them to wait for somebody to complain than to make sure every single person randomly caught in the footage was okay with it. I also got photographed by a professional while I was having a smoke and reading a book, sitting on my bag, right in the middle of a train station in Paris. I didn' t notice, but he told me he did and asked me if I was okay to let him use it.
Short answer, they' re the only ones who don' t care about power that much. You can only retain it so far before it starts holding you back drastically (or skyrocketing your prices because you just bundled the old console and the new one in a single box). Sooner or later the basement will get moldy and demolishing the house to build anew will be your best option, unless you' d rather add a new storey anyway and watch the whole thing crumble.
Not sure about the chocobos, but the fishing spot was mentioned in the vid you posted by its commentator (whoever that was). It' s the spot you can see at 1:20. The world map vid has been stripped of every monster and event. The final version will have a lot of stuff to find in there, that vid was just made to give us a glimpse of how big the world is. It' s a bad idea to roam at night since the monsters that pop up at such a late hour can stack a slew of status effects on you. When asked who his favorite character is out of that bunch the commentator says "That' s him !" (a dude named Gradios apparently) "Because he protects me all the time. And because he' s the most macho !" (oh hi Anita). There won' t be any Toad status effect, since apparently a lot of people find that one particularly annoying. Wait ... sci-fi ?