Dunno if Ienzo ninjadly edited her OP but I swear I see it black and blue now. Same position and lighting as earlier. And all I see in the vid is black and blue as well. Edit : Aaaaaaand back to beige as soon as I posted. If I wave my fingers around between my eyes and that picture I can "see" my brain jump from one color scheme to the other. Brains are weird.
Well first ... Maybe you do see the same thing and just won' t give it the same label. Second, each eyes are different. While our perceptions don' t fluctuate as wildly when it comes to colours as when it comes to taste, they still do. My sis' hubby is color blind and I' m still not sure how he manages to drive.
I don' t know, beige ? Wait, on-line people ? You do realize each screen has its own luminosity and contrast settings, right ?
We fear my grandma might have it as well. She' s a stage 2, meaning we can' t tell yet if her memory loss is the usual benign kind that comes with old age or the real deal. I' ve been living in the same building as her for half a decade now and I was abashed when my mum told me, I didn' t see it coming at all. Now it' s just glaring. The moment I realized something was definitely off was when I drove home with her, back from the family country house, following her car with mine. When we reached our town she took the wrong turn, but instead of going back she stopped her car and looked around, clearly not having the slightest clue where she was anymore. My family has bought her agendas, medicine boxes labelled for each day of the week, subscribed her to activity clubs etc ... in the hopes that she won' t reach stage 3. Memory is a muscle, use it or lose it. She wouldn' t take any of those initiatives on her own, she' s just been a shadow of herself ever since her husband passed away. Which is completely understandable. I live alone too, I know it takes a toll after a while.
For even longer than that. I mostly knew him for his role as William Bell in Fringe, but his involvement in that series has always been a last minute kind of deal. His health was already bad enough to make it impossible for him to plan anything. It is sad, but it was expected at that point. He had quite a unique voice, I recognized it immediately when I played BBS.
Well, you gotta keep in mind that there' s a generational gap between you. Besides, eighteen ain' t that old. Trust me, wait until you' re thirty (or hell, twenty five) and look back, chances are you' ll marvel at how little of an adult you actually were at eighteen. The part of the brain that deals with making decisions is the last one to mature (around age 25 on average). There' s a reason the army doesn' t wait that long to recruit people. On top of that, you' re all grieving. I' d say that calls for tact, maybe they thought it' d be best for you to hear it from your father than to be directly confronted ? Only one way to find out for sure I guess. And tell them you' d appreciate a more direct approach next time.
Situation 1 : I' m not sure I get what your complaint is, or why you didn' t want the autopsy in the first place. I mean I would assume you either had no emotional need to know more or simply didn' t have enough doubts to go through the hassle, but those wouldn' t be reason enough for you to outright dismiss your aunts' need to know. You' re furious that they "went behind your back" to speak their mind to your dad, but when you say "we had already agreed as a family" ... what do you mean by "family" ? Were your aunts consulted ? Was your dad emotionally peachy when you did ? Yes, at 18 you' re legally an adult, but I don' t suppose you' d be the one paying for the autopsy so ... That being said I have no clue how much weight is given to the wishes of the children (or sisters) of the deceased in the US, legally speaking. And that autopsy might very well be superfluous indeed, you' d know that better than I would.
B12 does dissolve in water, though gastric acid is much more efficient to break it down. Forcing yourself to vomit might be quicker than drinking. Wikipedia warns that some B12 pills take quite a lot of time to be dissolved by either (they can reach your guts and still have their casing). If your local medicines are as top notch as your local hospitals ... you might want to brace yourself for a trial in patience. As for whether it could damage anything ... I wouldn' t bet on it but I don' t think so.
This problem combines algebra with basic physics, you might be stuck because the basic physics part eludes you. So here' s the physics part explained : speed equals distance over time. If that' s not big enough a clue for you : Spoiler Working alone, Ryan can dig a 10 ft. by 10 ft. hole in five hours Ryan' speed (Rs) equals distance (d) over time (t) Rs = d/5 Castel can dig the same hole in six hours Castel' speed (Cs) equals distance (d) over time (t) Cs = d/6 Now what are we supposed to do with that pesky d ? 10x10 ft doesn' t sound like an exploitable number. The thing is, as long as d is given the same value in both cases your logic will be sound. Let' s just switch it with 1 then : Rs = 1/5 Cs = 1/6 If you want to know how long it would take those two to dig a hole together you end up with : (Rs+Cs) = 1/t Which leaves the pure algebra part to squash : Spoiler t = 1/(Rs+Cs) = 1/(1/5+1/6) = 1/(6/30+5/30) = 1/(11/30) = 30/11 = 2.727272 hours
Oh well, break a leg ! I think you' ve managed to make your point by now. The e is silent. Not that I care about that faux-pas one bit, I just couldn' t pass the opportunity to tease you. xD Okay that was ... embarrassing. With a capital E. I don' t exactly hold Bill Maher as an intellectual (even I can see the stupid here and there, that' s not a good sign), he' s just a decent humorist to me. If memory serves Christopher Hitchens called out Bill' s audience on its sheepishness at least once. I barely know Silverman, but I' m surprised and appalled to see him stoop that low. The ones I hear the most are the bunch from the Atheist Experience, they have their blunt moments but they look rather level-headed to me. I' m not surprised to hear you' d vote for an atheist though, I had gathered that much by now.
Mon ami. I' m a man. ^^ Whether Voltaire actually said that is dubious by the way, though he did write something quite similar. It' s been steadily popular for nearly three centuries here. Thanks to Voltaire (and more). That, and secularism, which the recent events have easily propelled as our hands down favorite republican value in the polls. Well we' re clearly not burned at the stake here, I' m not complaining. I brought it up here because those topics have captured my attention for quite a while and the recent events cranked it up to eleven. Honestly I don' t think I' m done digesting. I did leave that thought in a side-note though. I might make it easy to forget, I don' t know, but please bear in mind English isn' t my first language. I do what I can. ^^ You really gotta stop equating ideologies with religions. The only thing that makes me think of is youtube' s comment section. Doesn' t have to be atheists, youtube will do. Are American atheists really spouting that around in real life ? There' s no Atheists of France group. Nor prominent atheist club I can think of. We' re not a minority and we' re not persecuted. Does it take being that good of a marksman ? I wouldn' t know. I' m not sure what premeditation has to do with the motives though. Err ... sorry but nope. Can' t follow you there. English might not be my first language, but you' re twisting the dictionary a little too much for my taste here. I' m sure local generalizations can be made, but I think it' d be dishonest to call that a dogma. And if they' re the ones calling it a dogma (which would amaze me) tell them Patman said they can go **** themselves. 1 - I was born into Catholicism. I' m an atheist now. If there' s an egg, where' s the chicken ? 2 - Irrational would be more like it. Which yeah, silly pretty much covers it. But hey, I don' t need people not to think any of my beliefs are silly to talk to them. Or even befriend them. I' m pretty sure there' s at least one person out there who thinks I' m the crazy one. Besides I am admittedly quite silly at times. 3 - I' m not so sure about it. I certainly wouldn' t mind trying, but I wouldn' t bet on us ever getting there. Cavalier ... am I ? As in being dismissive or carefree ? Look, I suck with the social niceties, especially the ones expected in the US. That won' t be news to Roxam. But trust me, I care. Wait, how do you know they' re supposed to taste like veal ? That' s suspiciously accurate. xD I' ve been told three times on this very forum that atheists have no morals. Poe' s law applies I guess, but I' m honestly not sure they were trolls. Not that this is keeping me up at night or haunting me when I type here, it really doesn' t. Lately it' s that kind of news that keeps me up at night.
Yup, a Frenchman. Love that guy. I' m genuinely confused at this point, are you speaking to me or is this a general rant ? I' m not saying "true" atheists, whatever the hell that means, can' t be racist, or kill, or just be plain coocoo for cocoa puffs, they certainly can do that. And of ****ing course that guy is as much of an asshat as you could possibly get. Well he hated their guts, that much is obvious. I was convinced at the first bullet. Atheism is a lack of belief in any God. That' s it. Period. If you believe in a God, you' re doing it wrong. Atheism is an "ism" in name only because it holds no doctrine, no dogma. That being said, whatever else isn' t a god is totally fair game to believe in, no matter how far-fetched. I hear some Buddhists do qualify as atheists. Personally I don' t do religions period, but that doesn' t mean I' m apolitical. While I have no idea how Sir ******bag would have defined his anti-theism I do agree that it could completely qualify as an "ism" (hateful or not). I can' t picture myself killing anyone for any other reason than self-defense, accident or stumbling into a battlefield, but I have an easier time picturing a neighborhood relationship starting on a horrible first impression and degenerating (which is drowsingly banal) in absurd proportions (which okay, is rarer) than a doof drunk on Dawkings. Not saying it can' t happen, it just doesn' t sound that likelier to me. But hey, just my two cents.
I don' t want to turn this into a pity contest, but if you are to believe the latest poll (which isn' t the only one of its kind) Americans would rather vote for a 70 years old Muslim lesbian pot-smoker who cheated on her spouse than vote for an atheist. xD Well anyway, I think divide and conquer is the basic tactic of all those Muslim terrorists we' ve heard so much about lately. They want us at each other' s throat, they want us to fill our echo chambers with paranoia. Ironically, Fow News might just be their greatest allies.
I dunno, if someone was to steal my parking place on a regular basis I' d be pissed. The cops didn' t want to do squat about it when it happened to me, and if it keeps making you late for work you get real cranky real fast. I went with "kick their external rear mirror", but from what I' ve read the guy was a self-professed gun nut. And a wee bit short-fused too. Bad combo. On a side-note, atheists can get quite a lot of flack in the US too. I mean the guy wasn' t exactly screaming "Pasta Akbar !" while going trigger happy, yet somehow the american news are doing their best at pretending they' re not totally insinuating the guy might be an anti-theist on a mission. Gee, could it be because atheistz eat babiez ?
Not sure how pertinent that list is, but it' s full of stuff I' ve never heard of : http://animationhardtofind.blogspot.fr/2010/05/50-most-bizarre-animated-films.html
Err ... no I expect his score to tell me real quick if he liked it or not. Or put another way, to encompass the technical aspects he mentioned, would you/do you regret buying it ? Yes, not really, no ? It' s really not rocket science.
Yeah, the rampant problem with scores is the inanity of the decimal scale and the dishonest disparities between the scores and the reviews themselves (describes a 2, gives it a 3). I' m not expecting reviews to stop being subjective anytime soon, honest and coherent will do.
http://insomnia.ac/commentary/how_good_exactly_is_perfect/ If there' s a good counter-argument to that I've never heard it.
Oh, yes, at a time skip in the story as well. Not nearly as much of a change of tone though, I can see why you would want to split DB in two around there.