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  1. agentxg8
    aw, not fair. is there any thing like dark cannon that would work? anything at all?
    Post by: agentxg8, Mar 28, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  2. agentxg8
    what about dark cannon, that is somewhat like dark aura. would that work
    Post by: agentxg8, Mar 28, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  3. agentxg8
    is there any possible way for anything other than riku to use dark aura?
    Post by: agentxg8, Mar 28, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  4. agentxg8
    dang it, that would be so freaking awesome if it was possible. what if it had rikus moveset, would it be possible then?
    Post by: agentxg8, Mar 28, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  5. agentxg8
    i need some help with my form though. i need someone to help get wisdom forms left hand to be oblivion, and i need someone to get him to be able to use dark aura. this is what i have so far

    51CB98D0 00000020
    01CB97B0 00000000
    10340B4C 0000002B
    01C88E64 00000005
    10340E60 00000071
    10340E62 00000262
    10340E64 00000007
    10340E66 00000001
    Post by: agentxg8, Mar 28, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  6. agentxg8
    k, i still think mine would be pretty cool
    Post by: agentxg8, Mar 28, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  7. agentxg8
    the first heartless form did not work for me at all, i tried, like, 50 times (i actually counted)
    Post by: agentxg8, Mar 27, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  8. agentxg8
    actually, yes, it does work. it is just supposed to be awesome. if you have any ideas for it to become awesomer, please tell me. and if anyone can find a way for him to use dark aura, that would be dang cool
    Post by: agentxg8, Mar 27, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  9. agentxg8
    i made a new form called the heartless form and was wondering what you guys think of it.

    51CB97B0 00000020
    01CB98D0 00000000
    1033FEC0 0000002B
    10340B4C 0000002B
    2037B888 61786F72
    Post by: agentxg8, Mar 27, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  10. agentxg8
    well, what i mean is that i nothing happens. i put any one of the codes in and nothing happens. like i put in the master form with wisdoms moveset and master form is still fighting like master form. and when i tried lion sora with simbas moveset, i also was going to change the ultima weapon into proud fang, but there are no digits for that

    plus, i thought that the master with wisdoms set would work because of the blitz form i found on youtube
    Post by: agentxg8, Mar 26, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  11. agentxg8
    can someone get this together for me, i suck at this kinda stuff

    Master Form has the moveset of Wisdom Form
    Lion Sora has the moveset of Simba
    Normal Sora has the moveset of Riku

    i have tried this so many times and cannot seem to get it to work. if you would like to see the codes i am using, they are below

    01CB9856 00000003
    01CC0B16 00000021
    01CB9736 00000023
    Post by: agentxg8, Mar 26, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  12. agentxg8
    can someone give me the code for dual wield wisdom form, i just need the code for the left hand.
    Post by: agentxg8, Mar 26, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  13. agentxg8
    ok, so my code worked, but it did not have wisdoms moveset and when i tried to have the short cuts say dark shield and dark aura, they didnt work
    Post by: agentxg8, Mar 25, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  14. agentxg8
    okay, so can someone try out this code. it is my first custom form, at least, it is custom enough for me.

    51CB98D0 00000020
    01CB9810 00000000
    11CEF110 00000069
    01CB9856 00000003

    i call the heartless form, it is just master form that looks like anti form with 2 oblivions (you need to have oblivion and oathkeeper equiped) with wisdoms moveset. i want to see if anyone can get it to work. if you find any problems with it, let me know
    Post by: agentxg8, Mar 25, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  15. agentxg8
    can someone help, everytime i use luxords limit form, it t-stances, do i need to be roxas for this to
    Post by: agentxg8, Mar 24, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  16. agentxg8
    i need a couple of codes for some friends who are really into this game. i need a code that replaces kingdom key with aurons weapon, and i also need master form to look like antiform. and could someone tell me why when using the code to replace a key with way to dawn you cant hit with fininshers
    Post by: agentxg8, Mar 24, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  17. agentxg8
    ok, so apoligetix gave me this code to drive into lion sora when going wisdom form. but when i held r2, ion sora t-stanced and i could not revert back to normal sora. if someone could fix this code, they can be my best friend. the code is 11CFA406 0000028A
    Post by: agentxg8, Mar 23, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  18. agentxg8
    thank you, apoligetix. but the code for lion sora i already tried, do you have any other ideas?
    Post by: agentxg8, Mar 20, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  19. agentxg8
    and can someone give me some codes so when i go wisdom form, i go lion sora. when i go valor, i go dw roxas. i suck at coding.
    Post by: agentxg8, Mar 19, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  20. agentxg8
    could someone explain to me how to role modifier works. every time i put in the code, i always get this black screen with music playing
    Post by: agentxg8, Mar 19, 2009 in forum: Code Vault