mmmmm toast c: ill need my butter
"Aww don't be a meanie," Sinder whispered into his ears as she appeared and put her hands on the soldier's shoulders. She was adorned with pure silver armor on her wings and body over her regular clothing, a helmet shaped like a dragon's head hanging by her side. On her hands were gauntlets made to look like claws, and on the feet were talon-like coverings over her boots. Amethysts embedded in certain spots on the armor made her look extravagent, but the crudeness of the armor made her look deadly. The girl showed no feeling to the cold around her. "The least you can do is show some respect and offer hospitality. Look at the poor children, they're cold and need to rest after hiking so long." She smiled slyly and sort of evil-like towards him.
Those faces are intimidating.
Dont worry, things will get better. I've been in your situation before so I know.
I'm sure that you're just saying this because you think you're all-knowing.
haha i know xD
Who in the hell is that?
its nothing... i have to go
im sorry
yeah ...
nah just wanted to say something
idk just wanted to say it
i told you those cookies were bad
I told you to stop poking your nose! Pi divided by zero?
*pokes nose*
*blushes slightly*
*hugglez back*
okie dokies
alright then
That's the manliest thing I've ever seen.