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  1. Shadox D.
    "I thought it would be the best for you all.

    I am becoming hollow.

    You feel the snow and the warmth of the sun don't you?

    I can't anymore.

    My emotions are nearly gone, and with them goes my sanity.

    I was bound to leave sooner or later, I didn't think it would get this bad."
    Post by: Shadox D., Nov 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Shadox D.
    Profile Post

    thanks .

    thanks .
    Profile Post by Shadox D. for KH2man13, Nov 6, 2010
  3. Shadox D.
  4. Shadox D.
  5. Shadox D.
    The girl stopped and looked up to the one talking to her, a sad gaze in her eyes.

    "You need no worry about me anymore, Mya.

    I will be going now, and you will not need to worry about me anymore.

    I will no longer be a burden to you and your group."

    She unstrapped and handed the girl her silver helmet with the single amethyst on the forehead.

    "It was nice while it lasted."
    Post by: Shadox D., Nov 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Shadox D.
  7. Shadox D.
  8. Shadox D.
    Sinder sighed.

    "I guess I have to go now, my time is done.

    I can't take this anymore..."

    She walked into the town, looking at the ground as she strolled.
    Post by: Shadox D., Nov 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Shadox D.
    Profile Post

    fixed .

    fixed .
    Profile Post by Shadox D. for KH2man13, Nov 6, 2010
  10. Shadox D.
  11. Shadox D.
    Profile Post

    ill try the camera

    ill try the camera
    Profile Post by Shadox D. for KH2man13, Nov 6, 2010
  12. Shadox D.
    The girl was standing behing him, "I am confused Grey, I know much but I cannot seem to make contact anymore, like they can't see or hear me," she said to the male as he walked towards and past her.

    "I can't seem to be myself anymore, I feel like I'm changing into a permanent state that pushes me away from them."

    She put her hand out into the snowy air.

    "I am so different now, I can't even feel the cold of the snow anymore.

    I don't feel the warmth of the sun, food doesn't satisfy anymore.

    Im I becoming hollow once more? A shadow?"
    Post by: Shadox D., Nov 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Shadox D.
    Profile Post

    thats good

    thats good
    Profile Post by Shadox D. for heartless_angel, Nov 6, 2010
  14. Shadox D.
  15. Shadox D.
  16. Shadox D.
  17. Shadox D.
  18. Shadox D.
    Profile Post

    hola .

    hola .
    Profile Post by Shadox D. for KH2man13, Nov 6, 2010
  19. Shadox D.
    Sinder smiled at Keelina.

    "Good girl."

    She disappeared into the snowy wind.
    Post by: Shadox D., Nov 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Shadox D.
    Profile Post

    hai thar

    hai thar
    Profile Post by Shadox D. for heartless_angel, Nov 6, 2010