yeah, im tough
wanted to, but wanted to make it more interesting
its alright .
dinners not cooked, im waiting to take a shower after i eat, then im gonna stay up a while working on my picture, then sleep
OOC: From now until further notice the demon will be using Sinder to speak for him. Mya Mya Mya... so quick to jump to violence... The voice mocked. I am Shadow, and I come from the darkness and sadness inside this girl's heart. Sinder smiled evily. You can't save your dear, precious friend, give up hope. It was clearly playing mind games with Mya. She is mine now. Sinder stood up, ready to attack. You can't beat me and neither of your pathetic friends. The girl's hands stiffened, showing the clawed armor and giving her an ominous look. You can't win.
im alright. hungry, tired, and want to take a shower lol
just thought you needed to have a heads up before youre like 'wtf are you doing?'
hola again .
before you say anything, she's possessed by a demon
Tears flowed out of Sinder's eyes as she continued to jerk, grabbing the bed harder. As Liv and Mya tried to heal her they were pushed back in their minds as a dark, shadowy wolf creature with dragon wings entered their heads. You can't succeed. I will win. Give up... The ominous voice called to them. You feat will be in vain... With that the mental image and the voice dissipated from their minds. Sinder sat up, but nothing was right about her, her eyes were red, glazed over, and tired looking. Shadowy wings sprouted from her back and a dark smoke surrounded her body.
what ?
Sinder jerked really fast and her clawed hands dug into the bed, ripping the fabric. Her facial expression seemed like she was in pain, and that she wanted to scream but no sound came out of her mouth and her jaw jerked wildly.
okie dokie
Sinder didn't move to the girl's voice. Her form started fading on the edges.
yeah, i put something else
dont know My plans have changed, she will not die
Sinder covered her ears and kneeled to the ground hard. Leave! Leave now! They don't want you! DIE! "No more! Please no more!" She cried and screamed to the sky in pain and fell limp.
yeah, started around 8, 9, or 10 and stayed up til 1. now i need to outline it in pen and get it scanned and put onto my flashdrive at the store...
I try my best, all stories dont have happy endings
thanks, took a long while to make