yeah .
nevermind, you dont understand
I know you love someone. It is clear on your face... Do you know how it feels to be torn from the arms of your love and put on the stake, burning in front of the whole village? Then you have to live with the fact you lost the one you love. A tear ran down Sinder's face.
it has a distinguished taste
its just nasty
They'll die in the pins D:
it tastes nasty... i hate it
dont like water, at all
what ?
She ended in fire. Did you know that? Sinder's head tilted to the side.
i just dont wanna eat. plus, eating dehydrates even more because it takes water to digest food
dont wanna eat
noez not the sad face! :O *hugs tight*
resisting the urge to eat
Sinder lowered her arms. I don't want anything from you. I just want her... She has lots of things I'm interested in.... And you may be interested to hear the tale hm?...
just havent
i havent eaten much today
muahahahahaha!!! :P
ill starve if necessary, i deal with it
Go ahead... shoot... Sinder lifted her arms from her sides and smiled evily. I'm right here. You can't get rid of me.